One more update. Don't write off the Revision C cleans just yet. I've made an interesting discovery...
Looking for more information on the older revisions, I came across this suggestion to set the Orange channel to Modern for the Clean mode.
I tried this.
First observation, regarding pure cleans. The Orange Modern Clean mode is not as thin, cold and stiff as the Orange Vintage Clean mode, it's more mellow and sonorous. Still not as good as what some later revisions (like the G) - let alone amps with really good cleans - are capable of, but definitely more usable than the usual Orange Vintage Clean on the C. Mix in some Chorus and Reverb in the loop, and it's quite ok. Not great, not even very good, just ok.
Next I decided to try something a bit more bluesy. I removed the effects, added some more Bass, cranked the clean-mode Gain and added a clean boost pedal in front. Alternating between Gibson LP neck pickup and both pickups. (Still Rev C Orange Modern Clean.)
First impression: :shock:
(For the lack of a better word. )
Talk about heavenly tube breakup sound! It was right there! Big, meaty, just on the edge of starting to crunch. In some ways comparable to a G with the same setup but better clarity, more alive-sounding. I would say it was actually closer to the Blues mode sound of a Tremoverb.
I tried to match the sound with my Bogner Ecstacy Blue pedal - normally my go-to pedal for the bluesy Plexi-style sounds nowadays. And failed! The boosted tube-breakup sound on the Orange Modern Clean was so much more tubey, ballsier and meatier that there was no comparison, really.
Wish I could record a sample for you. :|
I feel like I've discovered a tasty Easter egg in my amp and it's not even Easter yet!

Just goes to show that even the simpler (relatively speaking) Mesa amps are far more versatile than we sometimes give them credit for.