N.A.D.! New amp day!

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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2009
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Well, after playing my Trem o verb for 16yrs, and lurking around the Mark V page (as well as the Rectifier page) I broke down and bought the MV! Bought it 3 hrs before I had to leave for a gig and used it that night! I actually spent time on the settings that were suggested here and found some I really liked! I play mostly Top 40 dance rock and some classic rock and I'm liking what I'm getting so far! I followed the suggestions for the effects loop here and it still sounds like someone put a blanket over the amp! Haven't heard a good fx loop from Mesa yet! Ill probably throw an EQ in the loop to bring back some presence but over all this amp has a great tone and I'm finally happy with a different amp other than my ToV! Thanks to all the posters who posted their settings and advice! Be seein ya!
Grats on the new amp man.I upgraded from a Tremoverb.Well I consider it one hell of an upgrade for that matter.I'm using the Gmajor 2 in the loop with an amp gizmo for switching,seems transparent to me just using a flat send lvl but maybe my ears are just ruined (J-K..just had em checked hehe).
nyeguy said:
Well, after playing my Trem o verb for 16yrs, and lurking around the Mark V page (as well as the Rectifier page) I broke down and bought the MV! Bought it 3 hrs before I had to leave for a gig and used it that night! I actually spent time on the settings that were suggested here and found some I really liked! I play mostly Top 40 dance rock and some classic rock and I'm liking what I'm getting so far! I followed the suggestions for the effects loop here and it still sounds like someone put a blanket over the amp! Haven't heard a good fx loop from Mesa yet! Ill probably throw an EQ in the loop to bring back some presence but over all this amp has a great tone and I'm finally happy with a different amp other than my ToV! Thanks to all the posters who posted their settings and advice! Be seein ya!


I've been using my Mark V for about 3 weeks and jammin 2x per week with no problems... and I'm a delay junkie (always in the loop).
I'm getting into delay also! I have the DD20 which, I know, isn't the best but its gonna have to work for awhile. I just pulled my stuff outta the trailer and brought it into the house, so now Ill actually have a chance to play with it! I'm gonna try to run some short patch cables to my fx and see if that makes a difference. Currently I'm using 2 18ft cords. Ill let ya know what I come up with and thank you guys for the input! :D
Normally, I would agree but I've been using the delay and an old Ibanez c9 chorus thru my Jsx heads FX loop and it sounds phenominal! Very clean. Unfortunatly it doesn't compair tone wise to a Mark V! Usually my chorus adds a bit of high end sparkle but even that's missing! I run my fx level at noon and keep my channel volume between 9 and 12 o'clock. I'm still messin with it now that its in the house and I'm sure Ill find something that I'm doin wrong. I'm open to any suggestions, afterall that's why were here!
Too bad it's so hard to diagnose an issue like this on a forum. I'm running my effects in the loop and it's completely transparent... there must be a solution....
Found what the problem was! The higher I run my channel volume the more high end I'm losing. I turned my master volume to about noon and turned my channel volumes down to about 8:30 and everything opened up! Around 9:00 things start getting darker. Also, I'm lovin the Mark 1 mode! HUGE!
That sounds a little strange, though. I´m running a TC2290 & TC1210 in the loop of my MKV and have the channel masters at noon - sounds great!