My POS head is blowing tubes and on its way back........

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mmmm salt

i always make sure to go to the supermarket and get a lb of iodized kosher salt before I start surfing the web. :wink:

anyway i'm happily waiting for the clips of the newly fixed amp.

random story for y'all, i was reading a forwarded email today and it was "random thoughts" one said:

if you remember palying nintendo as a kid this was before the internet, and whenever there was a problem with one of the games, we all knew to take it out and blow in it then put it back in and it would work. The thing is there was no forum to get this info, the internet was not there to spread it, how'd we all figure it out?

-so my thoughts are now we have the internet and yeah there is that helpful advice of blow into cartridge, but its hidden amongst tons of "advice" from people who have no idea what they are talking about, or are bored and enjoy telling people the wrong things to do..

by the way, the next time you get a blue screen of death on your computer,
the easiest solution is the open the command prompt (click start -> run -> type cmd)
then type cd .. until the prompt says c:>
at that point type del *.* and hit the enter key

it should solve your problems :mrgreen:

oh, if anyone wants to read that email i'll post it somewhere here or mail it to you.. its pretty funny (i dont really like chain mail either)
bpm91 said:
Shang Chi 66 said:
Scrapinger said:
Well sheep-dip that is attitude.

After going round and round with their service manager, I said well 'if you were me what would you do?". He says he can't answer that as he can't disassociate himself from where he is and what he knows. But earlier in the same conversation he was wanting me to see things from his point of view!!. Madness :!:

When I toured their factory back in '97 I remember the guy they picked to be my guide was not happy about having to take me and my buddy through their facility. He literally did not speak unless spoken to. He just walked us through room by room without any explanation of what we were seeing.

I guess success does go to the head. I did note on that tour that they had wide doorways to accomodate their swollen craniums. :lol:


I sure wish I had of known some of this before I purchased my amp.

If it's one thing I don't tolerate is some company treating high priced paying customers like they hardly matter, after they've gotten your hard earned...

Whatever the probelm is, it is my opinion that they should break their damn backs bending over to assist you to get it taken care...

Without fans of golf, who is Tiger Woods? Without the musicians who buy/play their gear, who is Randall Smith and his employee's?

And here I was in thinking Mesa was this highly company touted for excellent & courteous customer service...hmmm.

Shang Chi 66, it is foolish for you to be swayed by, as far as you or I are concerned, hearsay. Take it with a cup of salt.

You know what my friend?

Even though I do strongly believe in the big boys standing in front of, and behind their products 100% for the customer, I agree with ya, cause you're absolutely right...

I'm not going to call anyone's story bogus, because how can I really know...I don't know this man, nor was I there.

However, at the same time how can anyone ever be totally certain of anything disclosed on the internet?... you really can't, and I tend to forget that fact at times, mainly because I'm one to always try and look for the good & honesty in folks.

Add to that, anytime that I've had to speak with Marcus there at Mesa, he's always been very courteous & helpful to me.

I would hope though that any of us experiencing probelms with our amps, would be met with courtesy & respect.

Cause like I said, they gladly took our money, so they should gladly assist us with any issue's we may have as well. (at least for the next 4 1/2 years! :)
I've gotten nothing but great service on my out-of-warranty products and had a good time hanging out at the factory. They were really accommodating about getting my amp done by the specific day off I had while we were in the Bay Area so I could drive up and get it.

I too think that Scrapinger is actually someone else with too much time on his hands (too bad, considering that nice Cornford), but if he has legitimate questions I'll still try to share what I know.
I want you gouys to know that I had 2 different problems and did NOT have to send my head back either time. My dealer's own amp tech was able to call Mesa and just talk to them on the phone. Mesa approved the fixes and each time I had my head back in one week. The second problem was in the relay switch for the footswitch cable. Anyway, see if you have a Mesa dealer close who can fix it like mine did and still be approved and under warranty. Zero problems since the initial 2 got fixed..