My New Mark V Head

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Jan 26, 2009
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:D Hello everyone!
I picked up my BRANDY NEW Mark V Head and matching 112 thele cabinet. today at Guitar Center in Larchmount N.Y. I had ordered it in January and have been waiting patiently for it and chomping at the bit like everyone else! I have been reading all the pro's and con's of this amplifier since its known exsistance. I traded a Marshall JVM 410H plus had store credit(from an amp purchase that unfortunantly did'nt work or sound right for me; Mackie Hotwire V112) Anyway this Beast is a marvelous amplifier from just the hour I have spent with it! I play everything from rock,blues,country,reggae,to heavy rock metal and I have to say this baby will work for me just fine! Everyone has their own taste in tone and thats the beauty and privaledge of playing music and owning gear. This amp may work for some people and perhaps not for others. I am one of the fortunate ones it does work for! I drove 125 miles one way( because of my store credit situation and Mesa's geographic dealer policy); from upstate near Woodstock N.Y. to get this baby; the whole way driving down there wondering if this was going to be a wasted trip for another amp that just was not for me! Well after setting it up and plugging my guitar in ( brought my own for the real acid test) within 5 minutes I knew the amp was for me! The cabinet sounds incredible for it's size also.( and its light weight). The guys at GC were absolutely heplful and friendly. The whole experience has been a journey I have been dreaming and hoping for. Good luck to everyone who has the opportunity to own one of these beautiful pieces of work! :D
Wow, I only had to drive 50 for mine! Congrats on the new amp. And it's cool you clicked with it so quickly. I have mine the silent treatment after a few hours, but after growing a pair of balls and going back at it, I'm starting to like it more and more.

Like I just said in another thread, it's a matter of waking up a sleeping giant with these amps. And how do you wake it up? By twisting and pressing every knob and button you can find until something good comes out!
scott7d said:
Wow, I only had to drive 50 for mine! Congrats on the new amp. And it's cool you clicked with it so quickly. I have mine the silent treatment after a few hours, but after growing a pair of balls and going back at it, I'm starting to like it more and more.

Like I just said in another thread, it's a matter of waking up a sleeping giant with these amps. And how do you wake it up? By twisting and pressing every knob and button you can find until something good comes out!
:D Thanks Scott7d, My sediments exactly! You hit it on the nail with your reply. You must have patience and not be afraid or get frustrated twisting every knob and switching every switch to achieve UTOPIA TONE!
Not trying to be a jerk (tho i probably am) , but sediment is the stuff at the bottom of a lake. Sentiment is the shared opinion you had.
**** my random compulsions...**** it to hell.
Congrats guy on your new amp! I,ll be picking up mine by the end of the week. Patience is a virtue after all!

Not to be too off topic, but I,m curious because those Mackie Hotwire amps were described as being the next biggest thing.

And as long as it took for them to be released, they sort of came and went without a blip on anybodys radar. I waited and waited cause I wanted to check one out.

You,re the first person I,ve ever even heard of that owned one...If you don,t mind; What was it like? And obviously, you did,nt like it very much, so what was the probelm with it?

t2mike2 said:
Not trying to be a jerk (tho i probably am) , but sediment is the stuff at the bottom of a lake. Sentiment is the shared opinion you had.
**** my random compulsions...**** it to hell.
Well no matter how many times I try to proof read my posts there always seems to be some mistake. Sorry about the spelling, that's kind of funny that I did that, oh well, at least I got my point through.
Shang Chi 66 said:
Congrats guy on your new amp! I,ll be picking up mine by the end of the week. Patience is a virtue after all!

Not to be too off topic, but I,m curious because those Mackie Hotwire amps were described as being the next biggest thing.

And as long as it took for them to be released, they sort of came and went without a blip on anybodys radar. I waited and waited cause I wanted to check one out.

You,re the first person I,ve ever even heard of that owned one...If you don,t mind; What was it like? And obviously, you did,nt like it very much, so what was the probelm with it?

The amp just never cut it in the mix of the band. I would try to tweak it constantly to achieve a good sound, to no avail. The software that came with the amp never worked and the drivers for the computer were not working. The construction and the layout were awsome but the amp just never bonded at all with me. I even got the feeling after talking to the Mackie techs that the amp was a bit of a disappointment to them, more of a studio amp than a live amp. The amp was pretty noisy and when you would use the noise gate it did not feel right with notes. All and all it was a great idea but needed more feel and engineering to me. Good Luck!
t2mike2 said:
Not trying to be a jerk (tho i probably am) , but sediment is the stuff at the bottom of a lake. Sentiment is the shared opinion you had.
**** my random compulsions...**** it to hell.
Hey, those are his "sediments" 'cause he's a "rock"er! Nyuk! Nyuk! :lol:
treewiz said:
Shang Chi 66 said:
Congrats guy on your new amp! I,ll be picking up mine by the end of the week. Patience is a virtue after all!

Not to be too off topic, but I,m curious because those Mackie Hotwire amps were described as being the next biggest thing.

And as long as it took for them to be released, they sort of came and went without a blip on anybodys radar. I waited and waited cause I wanted to check one out.

You,re the first person I,ve ever even heard of that owned one...If you don,t mind; What was it like? And obviously, you did,nt like it very much, so what was the probelm with it?

The amp just never cut it in the mix of the band. I would try to tweak it constantly to achieve a good sound, to no avail. The software that came with the amp never worked and the drivers for the computer were not working. The construction and the layout were awsome but the amp just never bonded at all with me. I even got the feeling after talking to the Mackie techs that the amp was a bit of a disappointment to them, more of a studio amp than a live amp. The amp was pretty noisy and when you would use the noise gate it did not feel right with notes. All and all it was a great idea but needed more feel and engineering to me. Good Luck!

Thanks for that info guy, I hear ya. The probelms that you cited would be probelms for anybody! Thats too bad, because on paper, that amp was a really nice concept...oh well, back to the old drawing board for them I suppose.

Fortunately for us, we,re happy Boogie campers now! Can,t wait til the end of the week to pick up me amp, and start digging in!