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I won this auction : http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=019&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWN%3AIT&viewitem=&item=290112688139&rd=1&rd=1
and got the cabinets today. I attached some pictures. I believe they were prop cabinets or something since all of the "speakers" do not have magnet or voice coil assemblies and look like they never did but I do now have 2 empty straight side half back cabinets for $100 and about $20 in gas. How would vintage 30's sound in one? Also, anyone looking for some dummy speakers? infinity ohms @ as much power as you want to use....
and got the cabinets today. I attached some pictures. I believe they were prop cabinets or something since all of the "speakers" do not have magnet or voice coil assemblies and look like they never did but I do now have 2 empty straight side half back cabinets for $100 and about $20 in gas. How would vintage 30's sound in one? Also, anyone looking for some dummy speakers? infinity ohms @ as much power as you want to use....