My MarkIV finally arrived ???

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Well-known member
Jun 2, 2007
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Charleston, S.C.
Heya guys been waiting so long for my MarkIV and Stiletto Cab to get here and finally ??? For all my waiting......


ALmost there so excited......



LOL wtf!!! Wheres my mark and my Stiletto cab!!??

I recieved a Trip rec with a rec cab after all that waiting, But mesa was really cool about it said there was a mix up on the order and I could keep the REC until my markIV gets here.

Just have to drive it up to a local mesa dealer when the mark gets here, barring no spilled drinks cigg burns and neglect to the amp.

Never played on the Trip rec or the mark IV , I might just end up keeping the trip3 if I like it! Which was really awesome of mesa , he said, "Jam it , test it, and tweek it, you can get the tones out of it you like, never know you might want to keep the trip3 instead"!

I've been living and breathing Mark IV though, went through the manual several times, gathering all the tone settings I could.

Im completely clueless with this triple rec..... Back to the tone board for settings.

Any advice on playing through the triple rec would be greatly helpful, And comparsions to the MarkIV, Is this trip rec gonna steal the GAS for the mark IV ? Being that Ive never played it and I have this beast atm. I might fall in love and miss out on the Mark IV. :(
Looks great! I'm a Mark IV owner, but I have owned a rectifier series amp before, and they are great amps...especially when played LOUD.

I'd advise you to use the recommended settings in the back of the manual as a starting point, and pay particular attention to the psections that talk about the GAIN and TREBLE controls. There's a lot of GAIN on tap, and you don't have to run the GAIN as high as you might think....

Oh, and you might be able to get a better response by posting this question in the Modern Amps Forum--there are much more Rectifier owners there who can help you get the most out of the amp.

Come back to this forum when you decide that you want the Mark IV. :wink:

Good luck!
If you were gasing for the Mark IV, I don't think the rectifier is going to cut it to be honest.

I purchased a Rectifier...played it through a standard 4x12 for about a bored of the tone and was looking for more definition, articulation, a stiletto 4x12....helped, but still not all the response and definition I wanted.

Long Story short, I now have a Mark IV on order...should be here in a month!
That's not even a Stiletto cab is it? I dunno what the tag says now, but it used to say "4x12 Rectifier Traditional"...

You might end up loving the Recto but having owned 2, a 2004 3ch and a 1992 2ch, I still prefer my Mark. It's a shame you can't play both and compare really, so you really get to know.

Good luck with your choice.
Ok been jamming this Triple rec all weekend. Spent one day in my room ,wife and kids gone, so it was at decent level. Tried alot of settings from the board and just a bunch of knob turning in general.

I put about 6hrs straight just seeing how flexible it was , and im not impressed in the least. No matter what I do with this amp im getting the same tone just at diffrent volumes, dont take me wrong its not the exact same but really close.

Trie as I may I only found 1 really good rythm sound with it. And a decent clean sound. Cant put my finger on what bothers me with the tone, thin maybe and raspy...

After another 3 hrs of tweaking that 1 rythm sound and clean sound I was satisfied with the tone I was getting but not happy with it.

Day 2 Jam session....

Hooked everything up and got in my normal corner of the jam shack with my band mates waiting to hear my new tone...

All i have to say is HOLY **** this amp is mean at jamming levels. It fuking Rips through you and you can feel the chops pound you in the chest. Never have i stood infront of a cab and felt the air punch me in the chest like that!! It was, to say the least, IMPRESSIVE....

After turning it down some to blend with the rest of the band , that same feeling of 1 trick pony came into play. The chops on this amp and the power chord riffing is very nice but something is missing on the tone. Its just really loud and kinda of sterile. I couldnt stand playing anything high on it, meaning anything past the top 4 strings. It was just way to bright, I couldnt get anything creamy or smooth , it was just abrasive.

Can I get the same kind of punch and air movement out of the Mark VI but with thicker, darker, and heavier tone?

Not saying the triple rec isnt heavy but its more like a really loud heavy if that makes any since. Not heavy in tone, just in volume.

Is the Mark IV gonna have that same punch at 85 watts the rec has?
If it can i think im sold on the mark IV.

The triple rec has a really imposing volume and would love to hope the mark IV is the same.

Also can I get the same amount of gain with the Mark IV but tighter?

The triple rec has more then enough but it seems when I push it just alittle more where I want it to be it gets really loose and single note picking suffers.

I guess all in all the the triple Rec to me has a wonderful, loud, air pushing, punch you in the face, and stab that ***** again volume.

I just think the tone im hearing in my head that im after is a bit darker and thicker, with creamy higher notes.
^All those reasons, my friend, are why I shelled out $2000 for a Mark IV and my Dual Recitifer is for sale.

It does one tone great....but that tone only kicks in with huge volume...even then, it seems to be sterile.

The Mark IV will do it for you :D
Get the Mark IV.. based on your description, you'll be much happier with it.
A Mark IV will get you there. Funny thing is though, most people set their IVs up kinda bright and consider the Rectos dark, so bear that in mind. However, I set my IV up dark, and it is indeed extremely thick and smooth, and sings very well indeed.

The Mark IV has a helluva lot of punch, 85w sounds a lot less than 150w I know, but it's a very loud 85w!

You can indeed get the same amount of gain on a IV, and it is far tighter than the Rectos.

Just a couple of things though - Have you tried the Vintage mode with the presence really low? Like, off - 9:00? Same goes with Modern but Vintage is naturally thicker and smoother. Another thing, remember your speakers aren't broken in yet, so they're contributing to your harsh, sterile tone. Just a few things to consider.
I was chuckling to myself when I started reading this post. Been there done that with the rectumfrier line..... All I could think of as I was reading was how much you're going to love the MKIV! It won't be as deep as the rectifier but when you hear what soloing on it sounds like you're going to wet yourself! Oh and one more thing... the more you play with the knobs and get used to what everything does the better it will sound. Get a digital camera and take pictures of your settings every time you get a sound you like (front and back remember) cause there are knobs and switches all over the amp.
srf399 said:
I was chuckling to myself when I started reading this post. Been there done that with the rectumfrier line..... All I could think of as I was reading was how much you're going to love the MKIV! It won't be as deep as the rectifier but when you hear what soloing on it sounds like you're going to wet yourself! Oh and one more thing... the more you play with the knobs and get used to what everything does the better it will sound. Get a digital camera and take pictures of your settings every time you get a sound you like (front and back remember) cause there are knobs and switches all over the amp.

When you say the Mark IV is not as deep as the triple rec , what exactly do you mean? Are you referring to power chord riffing of the REC to the IV?

Im hoping with the 3 channels on the Mark VI I can find a good thick rythm sound like say MoP or a sandman type rythm tightness. Then be able to just hit the footswitch into a creamy lead without any knob turning.
Also as you can see from my Sig , I'm a huge Slayer fan. Alot of there intro's and rythms are single note runs or paced single note picking. They use alot of down picking and alternate picking styles, which I find are getting lost on the triple recs tone at higher gain settings. I Know Kerry and Jeff are hardcore marshall boys but im hoping to still achieve there sound with the Mark IV. Im sure the Stiletto is a closer match to this sound but I dont want to be locked into it either. The Rec is just so far from this tone its not even funny. Im hoping I can find that medium from the Mark IV
Random Hero said:
If you're hoping to use Rhy2 for a high gain rhythm tone, you're gonna have to boost it.

What would you suggest to use as a boost on the mark IV?

Tube screamer?

I hope I can get a heavy rythm and switch to a lead on the fly.

Or I guess i could just use the lead channel for rythm and use some type of stomp pedal or boost on the same channel to alter the tone?
the Mark4 has Metallica written all over it, especially because they've used Mark4's in the past!

Everything you are looking for you will find in the Mark4. you can stop asking questions. just sit back and wait, and you'll be smiling in no time. :D
Random Hero said:
By the way, I just noticed, why are your walls painted like a stone castle?

Ahhhh... the dungeon theme... :lol:

Started out as a joke between me and my wife... I used to spend alot of time in this room playing the guitar and just jamming in general.

She kept giving my a smartass comment "Locking yourself in the dungeon again this weekend"?

So I painted it like a dungeon one day , then my daughter got invovled and we painted some egyptian style art on it . :)


Ughhh... I'm so, so, nervous about this MarkIV head. Talked to mesa again, i'm pretty much locked into it now. Really cool being able to hold on to this triple rec till it gets here though. I just hope im not disappointed with it, and I end up missing the triple rec.

I look at it this way, even if I do not like the Mark IV, and mesa just is not my sound im looking for, I can sell the Mark IV down the road used for a better price then the triple Rec used correct?

If the Mark IV doesnt do the sound I keep hearing in my head alone with no pedals, What type of effects unit should I go with? TC G-major or G-force?
You should expect nothing but amazing tones from the Mark IV so don't worry. You might not be as happy starting out because it takes a while to get use to the secrets of the amp but once you know what your doing you'll forget all about the triple rec.

The G-Force is pretty much similar to the G-Major except it has a few more effects, however they sound the same and some would even agree that the G-Major is better or good enough especially for the low cost ($500). The G-Force is $1,500 and with that money you could buy yourself a G-System which I hear is pretty good (Steve Vai use's it live).
The Rocktron Xpression I hear is also pretty good and it is even cheaper than the G-Major but I am in a 50/50 area where I can't decide which one to get yet (every review says they're both good).

Btw, what sound are you looking for that you expect from the Mark IV?

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