my mark 4 sounds thin, help!!!

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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2006
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canton ohio
i just got my first mark IV this week, and i am totally in love with the cleans, but my lead channel just doesn't have the bottem end like i want. i've owned a dual rec solo head, a tremoverb 2x12 combo and still own a f-30 1x12. what can i do to get that bottem end like a dually? i have it sitting on a mesa 2x12 close back load with vintage 30's. my live cabinet is a lobo line 4x12 loaded with vintage 30's, it too is a closed back. also my mark is loaded with 6l6 electro-harmonix tubes. i know this is the ultimate amp, but i cannot find a heavy setting that suits my music. HELP!!!!

one other note i really haven't been able to crank the volume on this thing yet. i haven't gotten up past 2 yet (this freakin thing is loud)

thanks guys
Keep the bass low (around 3) on the pre and use the graphic EQ to boost the lows. The classic 'V' shape always yielded the tone I was looking for when I had my Mark IV. You should have plenty of tight bottom end! What are your settings currently? Include the switches on the back in your settings as well...
i really don't have a current setting, i've been trying all sorts of settings. i can see what you mean about the eq, i really was trying not to use the eq except on my leads, for that little extra boost.
I think you just have to get it turned up. Get a V or some variation goin on the EQ. That 80HZ slider bumped up with volume up will make you feel it in your knees.
If the EQ isn't enough to make you feel it at lower volumes then try switching the settings on the back to: Simul-class, mid-gain, and Pentode! Mid-gain may cause some feedback at higher volumes compared to harmonics, but it is kind of like a 'loudness' option for lower volumes. I kept my MIV on Simul and Pentode and switched b/w mid-gain and harmonics depending on how loud I was playing...
i do get that heavy low end with the eq shaped in the V pattern, but what i want is to get close to that low end without the eq. but i really do need to open up the volume to really get a feel for the tones.
i'm using a epiphone les paul es hollow body, with gfs dream 180 pickups. strings are 10's


the one in the middle
ok, based on my experience with my III, a Mark isn't gonna exactly crack the foundation of your house with bass fury compared to a Recto no matter what you do. You really need the EQ, either onboard or outboard, to get the bass chunk going.

On my III, it also really depends on getting enough volume to get the El34s clipping, which seems to tighten up the bottom end a fair bit. There's no MORE bass, but you notice it since it's more focused. I get my best bass by far with an MXR EQ in the loop, better than with the onboard EQ.

Also, this may not make a difference for the bottom end but personally, I find EH tubes very thin, upper-mid-focused, and shrill-sounding in my Mk III. They're fine in my Recto Preamp.
TremoFan said:
i really don't have a current setting, i've been trying all sorts of settings. i can see what you mean about the eq, i really was trying not to use the eq except on my leads, for that little extra boost.

You really do have to use the EQ to get the extra bass boost. With careful tweaking it's possible to set the EQ in a V where the Bass is higher, yet the overall apparent volume is less than with the EQ switched out. You can then have EQ in for the rhythm tone, and kick the EQ out for a lead tone that is boosted in both mids and volume a bit. The exact position of the EQ to accomplish this seems somewhat dependent on your overall volume though so you might need to play with it a while.
Also, try a Mark IV through a couple of Theile cabs, and you'll probably throw away your 4x12. You'll have more bass than you know what to do with.
Yeah it's not gonna happen without the graphic EQ. The bass knob will thicken your sound but it will sound sloppy really quick if you crank it to far.

Since we're on the topic, a really raw, thick rhythm tone is attainable by using the V but instead of bringing down the 750Hz, make the 2200 slider the lowest. It's a mid scoop but you scoop out the higher mids leaving lots of growl and bass. The shape is more like a check mark.
TremoFan said:
i do get that heavy low end with the eq shaped in the V pattern, but what i want is to get close to that low end without the eq. but i really do need to open up the volume to really get a feel for the tones.
Not gonna happen. No way, no how.
well i had my chance to run it through my 4x12, and wow. i truly fell in love with this amp. the cleans are beyond any i have ever owned, sounds better than my buddies 73' bandmaster!! r2 is perfect for what i do, and lead is amazing. i ended up backing the treble down and raising the mids and bass. i'm keeping the drives between 7 & 8. amazing amp!!

thanks for everyones input!!!

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