My first "Pro" amp

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Feb 9, 2008
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I'm stuck deciding between the Rectoverb combo, or the ENGL Thunder Reverb Combo. I'm in a "bluesmetal" band and I'm playing both classic rock style stuff (SRV, Hendrix, ZZ TOP) and Thrash/NWOBHM stuff (Megadeth, Motorhead, Judas Priest). I opt not to get a stack... and I like the versatility these amps offer. Which one is better for me? (different amp suggestions welcome!)
I would honestly say forget all those and take a serious look at the will nail the megadeath, motorhead, zz top, and hedrix sounds. It will do a decent enough job on the SRV stuff. The stilleto is mesa's version of a souped up marshall.
I had the Rectoverb, MKIV, Lonestar Classic, and Stiletto Deuce II... The Recto is too aggressive and Nu Metal for the stuff you're describing. Try the Stiletto Duece Stg II or the Lonestar Classic.
srf399 said:
....The Recto is too aggressive and Nu Metal for the stuff you're describing....

???... LOL! I will disagree. I play some thrash metal, rock and other genres on my Road King and it sounds great. No way it sounds NU metal. Unless you play Nu metal. Yes the recto can get really aggressive but its all in how you EQ the amp :shock: . Lets not forget the original Rectos were made for thrash but grunge F-ed that up.

If you play the Recto and it doesn't suit you (They're not for everyone) please don't pass up the rest of the Mesa catalog, The Marks, The Lonestars and Stilettos all are great amps and they all offer a different Mesa vibe. I will agree a stiletto would suit you better.
I think i forgot to specify that I am trying to keep this as cheap as possible... preferably under 1100 USD
srf399 said:
I had the Rectoverb, MKIV, Lonestar Classic, and Stiletto Deuce II... The Recto is too aggressive and Nu Metal for the stuff you're describing. Try the Stiletto Duece Stg II or the Lonestar Classic.
Rectoverbs and Tremoverbs are some very versatile amps. If you like the tone, you really can't go wrong with them. They are very easy to dial in and have nice clean tones too.

:lol: On the other hand, I sold my Rectoverb and bought a DC-3.

I would suggest the following based on your budget:

DC-10 2x12 combo - great amps with Fender like cleans, seriously sick distortion and a footswitchable EQ that can be used to get that canned Metal tone or ....I use it for a Lead boost. When I play out with this amp, I get some serious compliments on my tones.

It's heavier than a dead priest though.

DC-3 1x12 combo - A friend of mine has my 1st DC-3. He plays Death Metal on it. Great all around amp that is cheap and light.

Here are some of his tones:

Rectoverb 1x12 combo - I used it for Metal and Classic Rock with no problems at all. Extremely versatile if you know how to dial amps in.

Use it with JJ E34L's and you will get some very nice British tones out of it.

Any of these 3 amps will get the job done nicely for well under your budget range. A DC-10 is a bit harder to find, but so far, it is my favorite Mesa amp.
+1 to the Rectoverb, a very versatile amp which gets stereotyped because so many metalheads use them.

+100 to the DC-3... one of my all-time favorite animals, and also it's close cousins, the Rocket 44 and 440. (See my sig)

I am not familiar enough with VHT amps to offer an opinion there.
I'm not too keen on the dual calibers (a little less gain than i want and they are hard to find). If i got the recto would probably boost em a tiny bit with a fulltone OCD pedal just to get that extra tightness. Alot of people have also told me to go with the Mark IV, but it just doesnt sound like the right tone for me. But I heard some clips and videos of the Stiletto and was blown away! it comes down the Rectoverb vs the Stiletto! did i also mention i wanted a combo only? yeah!
i realy dont think rectos,dual or tripp.are brutal at all,,hell you can play glen cambell on them suckas :lol:
Mark III can handle everything you mentioned. Metal, Blues, Crunch, Clean etc. You can find one of those for 800$ as a combo or head.

Don't get a Rectal-Fire... unless you enjoy the sound of a hundred watts in a tin can. ::Fizz::
I just really kind of need to keep it under 1000... the mark 3 sounds preety nice, can it do really hi-gain tone though?

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