My amp changes channels on its own at high volumes??

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Mar 26, 2012
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I bought a used Dual Rectifier over a year ago. Sometimes when I have it pretty loud and the footswitch is in use it will literally change channels on its own. If I unplug the footswitch it stops changing channels on its own. I'm pretty certain it can't be the footswitch though because i ordered a new footswitch and cable a while back and I still have the same problem. I have asked a few other people I know with Mesas and none of them have any clue what it could be. If anybody has any ideas I would love to hear them, it's a really big problem when playing live.
If it happens with the footswitch plugged in but not without, and it's not the footswitch or the cable because you've tried different ones, then it's a faulty footswitch jack on the amp. There's nothing else that's not in the circuit when the footswitch is unplugged.

It could just be dirty or needing re-tensioned. Most like the spring contact is not making a good contact with the plug tip, or the inside of the barrel is corroded. Either of these could be vibration-sensitive.
It's either an intermittent short in the switching circuitry: a wire that has a cold solder joint or a loose wire. Or one or both of the switching relays is sticking. Remove the chassis and lightly tap on the relays 10-15 times with the end of a screwdriver. Re-install and try it then. If that doesn't fix it, you'll have to send it in or take it to a reliable tech.

Word of warning though, intermittent problems can take a LONG time to troubleshoot so it can be a little costly.
Well I finally took the amp to have it looked at, and I am waiting to hear back. He says that he doesn't see it being a hard fix so I'm hoping that's the case.