MXR Graphic Eq...

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I'd like to buy the 10 bands but you know, it needs 18 volts and my power brick only goes up to 12.
So, what do you think about the 6 bands Eq? Is it a good deal anyway?

Personally, I feel that a Recto based amp needs an EQ to tighten and focus- whether its a 6 band or 10 band. Prior to my using a MXR 10, I used a cheap Dano Fish and Chips, and for the $30 bucks I spent on it, that thing delivered. Cant hold a candle to the 10 band, but still, better than nothing IMHO. I think you are going to like the EQ.

Doesn't the MXR come with it's own proprietary power supply? I dont remember if it came with, or if I bought it seperately.

Anyway, I always wonder why wouldn't I use the EQ in front? If I'm going to change the tone color of my guitar, wouldn't I want to do it before it goes into the amp? Why let the amp "process" all the freqs that I'm going to cut out later anyway?

I'm not even sure if I've tried my MXR in the loop or not. I started having such good luck putting it after the comp and booster that I've just left it there ever since....
ACsteve427 said:
Hi Guys,
i'm just placing my order for an MXR 6 bands EQ.
I'd like to buy the 10 bands but you know, it needs 18 volts and my power brick only goes up to 12.
So, what do you think about the 6 bands Eq? Is it a good deal anyway?
I don't like the Boss GE7 so much, it gives a "plastic" feel to the tone.. I hope that the MXR will sound better!

(Oh, I will use it for solo parts on my Dual Recto and my Marshall DSL)

Thank you very much Guys ;)

I've got the 6 band MXR on my board and have tried the 10 band one. I prefer the 6 band cause of it's smaller footprint on my packed board. The 10 band one gives slightly more versatility but there's not much difference between the two IMHO.

I've tried them up front and in the Loop. I prefer it in the loop as it allows you to better shape your whole tone IMHO. But it also works well up front so try both positions out and see what you prefer
Anyway, I always wonder why wouldn't I use the EQ in front? If I'm going to change the tone color of my guitar, wouldn't I want to do it before it goes into the amp? Why let the amp "process" all the freqs that I'm going to cut out later anyway?

Personally, I like unique characters of all my guitars- they each have a certain sonic voodoo that is great for certain applications. I use my EQ to "focus" the preamps of my Roadster in ways that the onboard EQ is incapable of doing. My EQ is always on and set to enhance each channel- not "take over". While the effect is subtle, once you play with it on, you wont want to play with it off. Its like removing a blanket from on top of the speaker cab.
I still have my F&C EQ, but I dont want to change the way my guitars sound going into the amp.
