MXR Graphic Eq...

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Well-known member
Dec 17, 2005
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Bellwood, PA
Hey guys and gals, I'm sorry if this has been done to death, but I really need some help here...If there is another thread on this topic, please point me to it...I have a MXR 10 Band Graphic Eq...It seems like everybody says to put it through the loop...I have a Roadster 2x12 combo and would like some help with this...Is the loop better?...Most important, please give me some good examples for lead tones AND rhythm tones...Thanx for the help.
FWIW I use my 10-band in front for an EQ'd boost. Pretty much, with an EQ in the loop you can drastically alter the tone of the amp. In front, you're basically changing the sound and output level of your guitar. Whatever sounds good to you is the right way to do it.
i dont use the mxr but do use a maxon ge601 in the loop of my roadster.... putting it in the loop mimiks the post eq of amps like the mark iv and the vht line..... you put it there as the final tone shaping of your tone... someone put it best with the analogy that the eq in the loop is like using a scalpel helping you to finely tune your engine ... i mean amp.... in front the eq is just eqing your guitar which is more of a pickup simulator than anything.... it can be very useful if thats what you're going for.... the maxon site shows examples of what i mean by pickup simulator (link below).... in the loop the eq helps you dial in or out frequencies to help you get "your" tone..... im more of a rhythm player so as far as settings for a lead tone i wouldnt be as much help as some of the other guys on the board..... for myself i like dialing out a little of 400 and 200...boosting 800, 100, 1.6 and leaving 3.2 flat.... 1.6 and 800 are about even and 100 is slightly hgiher than 1.6... very very slightly..... personaally i cant live with the eq in the loop because it gets me the exact tone i want.... IMO all recto users should have one (especially people that claim they cant get a tight sound)
Dax - I found the 10 MXR in the loop to add to much gain to the signal because of the gain knob. Even dialing gain back really didn't seem to help. If you have a parallel loop maybe you can control this but in the serial loop of my DSL 50 I just wasn't happy with it.

Most stores and online dealers now have a 30 day money back guaranty. Give one a try and see what you think.

JD, Does the maxon ge601 have a gain slider?
I've used the MXR M-108 ten band EQ in the loop of my Mark IV for several years now, never had a problem. I use it because I prefer it over the built in five band EQ.
clutch71 said:
Dax - I found the 10 MXR in the loop to add to much gain to the signal because of the gain knob. Even dialing gain back really didn't seem to help. If you have a parallel loop maybe you can control this but in the serial loop of my DSL 50 I just wasn't happy with it.

Most stores and online dealers now have a 30 day money back guaranty. Give one a try and see what you think.

JD, Does the maxon ge601 have a gain slider?

not a gain but a volume slider.... the roadster also has a serial loop which could be why it works well in the roadster.... because even at 100% wet a parrellel loop is really only at 90%
Guys, thanx a ton for the info and help...I'm not sure if I want it there all the time...I really like the sound of my Roadster and was only looking for minor tweaks with it...I love the versatility of the Eq on the Mark IV and was hoping to use it in the same way...Any more setting examples?
I love the eq in my ROADSTER loop..but only with 6l6s...

I use the eq to add some high-mid frequencies and tighten the lowend and it works really well....

I just got some E34Ls today and for some reason they sound better without the eq...

I like the eq with 6l6s better than the E34ls without or with the eq so I'm going to pop the 6l6s back in the amp.

My point being... I love the eq in the loop~! rhythm and solo tones are so much better while the low end is tighter.

Hope this helps
don't mean to thread jack but

Would it be possible to set my mark III for a lead tone and have the eq pedal in the loop to scoop the mids. Would setting the volume on the pedal low with the mids scooped give me the effect of a solo mids/volume boost when i turned off the eq?
AustinK said:
don't mean to thread jack but

Would it be possible to set my mark III for a lead tone and have the eq pedal in the loop to scoop the mids. Would setting the volume on the pedal low with the mids scooped give me the effect of a solo mids/volume boost when i turned off the eq?

yes.... but ive found when you lower the level of the eq (meaning the amp is actually louder with the loop off) you choke some of the freqencies and which thins the tone a little.... i would try it and see how it sounds with your mark III..... in theory it would work
I might try that or i am debating getting the little alligator volume pedal for a solo boost. What do you think would be better?
AustinK said:
I might try that or i am debating getting the little alligator volume pedal for a solo boost. What do you think would be better?

honestly i'd try a clean boost..... i have the little alligator (more for volume swells when i was recording) and while i like the feature of minimum volume (that its adjustable) its not the same as rolling back on your guitar...... i think a clean boost is a much better option tone wise expecially if you like your tone but you just wnat it louder for leads/solos.... thats just my opinion but i'm not font of the little alligator as a boost pedal
I am not sure on what i am going to do because tthe adjustable gain on the mxr would be great for getting the scooped rythems a little heavier. I want to be able to have a lower volume heavy scooped rythem with a higher volume more creamy lead sound.

I think i might give the eq a try. If i don't like it i can just take it back and get another option.
just got my roadster this weekend and it's the FIRST amp I've ever owned that I thought sounded better without the eq. The tone knobs on the mesas (this is my first mesa) affect the sound so much that i'm really pleased with it on it's own. I've always used my boss geq7 in the loop as my little secret weapon to add some nice fidelity to my tone, but the roadsters really sound incredible without it. Still tweaking as I've only had about 2hrs playing time on it so far but the posts on here with helpful knob settings got me up and running right away.
+1 with all the advice given by Jdurso.
He knows what he's talking about.
I use an MXR EQ pedal in the loop of my 5:50. Its fabulous but you gotta know how to use it. The sliders are sensitive so just small tweaks does the job.

This link gives tone settings for the Boss GE-7 but I've used them on my MXR pedal and found they work well for that too when you have the pedal in the loop. Check this out :D
I've been debating getting a MXR 10 band EQ or the Maxon OD-9 to some how add a bit more gain to my Mark IV. I love the EQ sliders the Mark IV has but i feel it lacks a bit grit when it comes to trying to do rec style rhythm playing.

Anyone with a Mark IV have some suggestions on what would be a better option?
Hi Guys,
i'm just placing my order for an MXR 6 bands EQ.
I'd like to buy the 10 bands but you know, it needs 18 volts and my power brick only goes up to 12.
So, what do you think about the 6 bands Eq? Is it a good deal anyway?
I don't like the Boss GE7 so much, it gives a "plastic" feel to the tone.. I hope that the MXR will sound better!

(Oh, I will use it for solo parts on my Dual Recto and my Marshall DSL)

Thank you very much Guys ;)