MXR Carbon Copy

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Well-known member
May 5, 2009
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Hi Guys !

I just purchased an MXR Carbon Copy and I really love it.

But I'm having a hard time makin it sound good with every channel...

I tried putting it in the FX loop, and the repeats level is VERY low. PLUS it sucks a lot of tone for some reason.

And when I put it in front of the amp, on channel 1 it sounds perfect, but as soon as I switch to channel 2 or 3, the delay repeats are ridiculously loud and really hard to manage.

I'm sure some people have this pedal, please help me figure out the best way of plugging it in !

By the way if it can change anything, I use a dunlop power block to drive my pedals.

Thanks again!
That sounds strange to me that the repeats would be louder on channels 2 and 3. Maybe 2 and 3 are set louder.
Can the fact that I have Buffered Pedals (a boss chorus) before the delay play a part in this ?

Here's my signal chain:

Guitar -> Phase 90 -> Boss Chorus ->Dunlop Wah -> ISP Decimator -> Carbon Copy (this is the position I tried it when in front of the amp)

FX Loop: BBE Sonic Maximizer -> Carbon Copy (position I tried it when in the FX loop)
Can't remember where it was that I read this but isn't the CC supposed to work better in front of the amp? I mean, as a design feature?
Not exactly sure why it would be that drastic. Nevertheless, I'm curious to know as to why you haven't got the wah first in front of the amp...
I had the same trouble with mine, too many repeats under high gain but awesome on cleans. I could never find a middle ground that worked well for both channels. I know it's silly, but I went to a two delay setup, one for cleans and one for gain channels.
I had one and the same had the same issue. The loop is looking for line level. The front will only sound good on channel 1.
The Nova is line level and will sound correct in the loop.
The CC would probley work well if you were using a distortion pedal before the delay and only used channel 1.
I think it's normal for any delay effect to appear to produce louder repeats on the higher gain channels.

Those higher gain channels are compressing the guitar signal far more so than the clean channel. And, if the delay is plugged into the front of the amp, the channel will also compress the repeats and make them appear louder than they did through the clean channels.

I don't think a different delay effect will produce better results if it's still plugged into the front of the amp.

I think the only solution is to find a delay effect that works well in the effects loop and place it there.
Thats exactly what I thought. Thanks for confirming what I thought !
jtroska said:
I think it's normal for any delay effect to appear to produce louder repeats on the higher gain channels.

Those higher gain channels are compressing the guitar signal far more so than the clean channel. And, if the delay is plugged into the front of the amp, the channel will also compress the repeats and make them appear louder than they did through the clean channels.

I don't think a different delay effect will produce better results if it's still plugged into the front of the amp.

Correct. I use my Carbon Copy in front of my Mark III and it sounds gorgeous, but I keep the mix knob rolled back alot for high gain use for that reason. Also remember that with shorter repeats on an analog delay, the repeats are slightly louder which is why if you ever do the "UFO" noises with the carbon copy is seems to have a volume swell; the repeats gain in volume as they decay shorter, thus less mix (I keep mine at around 9 o'clock, until I want to do the UFO noise and I will crank it up a little past 12.)
I use a Carbon Copy in the loop with the V. I see a big difference in the strenth of the repeats depending if I use a battery or a Power Supply.
nicoroy123 said:
I use a Carbon Copy in the loop with the V. I see a big difference in the strenth of the repeats depending if I use a battery or a Power Supply.

So do you use a battery or the a psu ?
uh i've been using my CC with my Mark IV for, alone, with bands etc..also use a dc long as its in the loop, it works fine on all 3 channels..analog doesn't behave like digital delay..maybe that's what you're looking for.

as an aside...IMO..delay should ALWAYS be in the FX loop..running it in front of the amp can work in with the right settings, but it sounds better in the loop anyway, and for all practical purposes works way better too.
mr_dj07 said:
nicoroy123 said:
I use a Carbon Copy in the loop with the V. I see a big difference in the strenth of the repeats depending if I use a battery or a Power Supply.

So do you use a battery or the a psu ?

Louder with a PSU.
I've also been using a CC in the loop for months without any issues.

Have you tried adjusting the send/return levels - or swapping the order of the 2 pedals in the loop?

I do have an analogue man chorus pedal that I struggle to get to sound right in the loop, always wondered if it was a phase issue. Sounds fine in front with it set to 50/50 mix ... But I know considered opinion says chorus should also be in the loop.
As far as getting extra repeats with the Carbon Copy on channel 2. My Dan Echo will also do that. Though it seems to me, almost like the mix level is more intense allowing more repeats to get through. All that I hear about the Carbon Copy is good though.

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