Must Read - Don't Die

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Well-known member
May 17, 2007
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I ran across this golden tidbit while researching wiring options on my guitars. I just had to share.
Test every outlet that you plug into every time. I also use a voltage sensor on my amp and the equipment around me.

These tools only cost a few bucks each and can save you life.

Also, those of us who have been playing for a long time learned never to touch our own guitar or amp and another piece of equipment. I've been zapped while adjusting a knob on a friedn's amp (through the set screw on the knob), I've even been zapped while changing the channel on a cable box while playing my guitar.

I was also zapped when the ground in a power strip that I was using failed!

When playing outside don't stand on grass. I've been shocked that way too. Wear shoes and stand on a stage, patio or at least a sheet of plywood.

If you use an old amp with a non-grounded two prong plug convert it ASAP to a three prong grounded plug. Do it correctly of have it done correctly.

You owe it to yourself and the people you play with!
Good read. Thanks. One question though I heard using active pickups like emgs help to reduce the chance of shock is that true at all ? I just read it somewhere so I have no idea.
As long as they're installed properly with no string ground, they are safer, however, if the guitar has metal knobs on pots with metal shafts and/or a metal plate with the controls mounted to it (like a Telecaster), you can still get whacked through those items as well as through the cord's metal plug housing.