MkIII question

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Well-known member
Mar 20, 2006
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All the pics of MkIII's I've seen on here and on eBay etc all seem to be the SimulClass-type ie 4 power tubes.

Mine is the 60watt type with only 2 power tubes. Do these amps have a special name, and how rare are they?

keithus77 said:
All the pics of MkIII's I've seen on here and on eBay etc all seem to be the SimulClass-type ie 4 power tubes.

Mine is the 60watt type with only 2 power tubes. Do these amps have a special name, and how rare are they?


Every mark III i saw had the simul class i assume is quite rare. I'm not sure it's more desirable though...
Thanks for the reply.

Yeah I'm the same. ALl the MkIIIs I've seen have 4 power tubes. I'm not really concerned if it's more desirable, as I'm keeoing it anyway and it sounds fantastic!

Just wondering why Mesa made this version and why I haven't seen any more?
keithus77 said:
Thanks for the reply.

Yeah I'm the same. ALl the MkIIIs I've seen have 4 power tubes. I'm not really concerned if it's more desirable, as I'm keeoing it anyway and it sounds fantastic!

Just wondering why Mesa made this version and why I haven't seen any more?

The 60 watt was the base model.

To the base model, you could option out either an extra pair of power tubes for 100/60 watts (switchable) or with the Simul-Class setup of 2 6L6, 2 EL34.
Cool, thanks for the info. I guess not many of the 60watt MkIIIs are getting about. I wonder how many Mesa Boogie made?

Wow, I can only imagine 100 watts. :) My 60watter I think is ridiculously loud - I've had it on 2 and I had ringing in my ears for the rest of the night. It's easily louder than my 50 watt Marshall JCM 900 1/2 stack.

What volume levels do you guys usually use when playing/jamming with a band?

Also, I'd be interested to know if anyone else has a 60watt MkIII.
At 60 watts, they are still fomidable. A very raw tone..
With mine in simulclass, I have the master set at 5-6, and vol1 at 5.(un-mic'd) Our drummer is Ham Fisted!
ax. 8)
They were made specifically for the U.K. market, initially without reverb to lower the price. Later, it was decided to add reverb as sales of the simulclass in the U.K. were falling due to the prohibitive price. They were unofficially called the Mesa Boogie Super 60. You will also note that there is not a cooling fan in there, also a cost cutting exercise.
Thanks for the reply Scotland.

Mine has reverb and EQ, so it's pretty feature packed. My reverb tank is busted at the moment, but I'm getting a replacement for under $50 Australian dollars. :)

I really don't think I'd need this amp to go to 100watts, I think 60 is plenty for me. I honestly think I can blow away any drummer with this amp.

Does anyone know what the orginal price was for this amp? What was the price of the Simul-Class also?

Apart from the extra tubes and Simul-Class option, I'm guessing all the MkIIIs are the same (also apart from the stripe-variants)
I had one the same as yours and there was enough power in it to equal any Marshall or Twin for clean headroom, quite a feat for a 60 watt !
If I remember correctly, it cost around £1100 whilst the simulclass was £1800.
I have an early Black stripe 60 watter. No EQ, No reverb. The base model. I agree, its loud as hell and starts to hurt my ears with the master about 3. I like the clean and Ryth2 tones on this amp. The lead tones are ok, but can't compare to my new IIC+
I have a 1985 "no"-stripe 60watt (w/reverb + EQ) Mk III combo, and I'll join the chorus saying I couldn't imagine needing more output from it! LOUD. I never really used anything but the spanky sparkly clean channel... that whole "imbalanced channel volumes" Mk III problem, but I like pedals for overdrive anyway. It was stolen and I wound up recovering it, but I might sell it, because since I thought it was gone for good, I replaced it with a 1968 Fender Dual Showman Reverb head and a JBL E120-loaded TubeWorks 1x12 halfback cab, and that's staying put as my main rig. 8)