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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2007
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For those who can't get enough of minute details of stripe differences, I had an interesting experience today. I swapped out the stock Yamaha bridge pup, which is a nicely voiced all-rounder with a lot of upper-midrange "sing," in one of my guitars with a SD SH-6B Distortion.

As you may know, the SH-6B is a pretty high-output, but still very "thick" pickup with a lot of low end-- I wanted the possibility of a really thick, sludgy riffing tone a la Neurosis (who use SH-6Bs into, among other things, MkIVs.) Well, with my usual settings, it was pretty cruddy into my purple stripe. Leads sounded pretty good (thick, all right) but palm mutes were really fuzzy and indistinct, even when I backed the pickup waaaaay down from the strings. R2 was a disaster-- the R2 voicing on the purple is pretty boomy and fat, and while single notes sounded great, any chord voicing that involved the low D string was pretty much not happening.

So, I went and plugged into my green stripe and it was pretty much a perfect match. I've found the green, like many MkIVs I have heard, almost too tight in the bottom end, with that sort of inorganic "boxy" sound. However, with the big fuzzy bottom from the SH-6B going in, it's doom-sludge heaven. Palm mutes are clear without being mechanical, and the lead tones are thick and saturated without being harsh. R2, which I found kind of thin and stiff before, is a great mid-gain channel now. Cleans sound pretty good for a high-output bridge humbucker, keeping in mind that I am not a huge fan of the MkIII cleans anyway.
Its a speaker and room thing , ' You can drive yourself nuts with with this .
Bugs !
Hotay ?
that is a very interesting observation. The SH-6 has very prominent "mids", and of course is a high output ceramic bar magnet p'up, so it is interesting how it does well in your "green Stripe". I am a Mark IV owner, but it is actually my hope to one day procure a Mark III to use in an A/B setup w/ my Mark IV combo. ( i sometimes use a 4x12 or 4x10 ext. cab also). I have found the best success in my Mark IV so far with medium output Alnico II humbuckers such as the Pearly Gates, and Custom Custom bridge pu's.

I am very interested in the mark III's, but because of all the various "versions" i am a little unsure of the "+"'s and "-"'s of the various versions.

This is an interesting post, as I have gone to great lengths experimenting w/ various SD pickups as well as Carvin pu's, as the Carvins are all I play now.

Thanks for a great and informative post; very cool!

Interesting thread topic. I had a Mark III in '88 and sold it a couple years later. Bought a Mark IV when they came out and have been playing them ever since. A couple weeks ago I found a Blue Stripe Mark III combo Simul, EQ, EV and I am not sure I will ever play my Mark IV again. It blows it away hands down. It sounds fuller and like someone said, more organic (no idea why that makes sense to me, but it does). And I was a HUGE fan of the Mark IV. Both are great, but I don't think anyone will surpass the Mark III.
I'm not a fan of the Mark IV either. I like the II's and III's much more. The IV is too sterile sounding to my ears. It doesn't bloom like the older Marks.
I should probably qualify that the tones I was getting out of my green stripe with this pup are probably not what a lot of people would be going for, it's extremely thick and probably not tight enough for what most guys playing metal on Marks want.

I don't think the SH-6B is a great pickup choice for these amps overall, unless you have a real thin-sounding guitar. I think a lower-gain one is definitely the way to go.

What was interesting is how different the green and purple were, you can really tell that the MkIII was revoiced to be a higher-gain, tighter, more saturated amp over its life. I think I also mentioned in another post that the EQ in my green is more "effective" than in the purple. I'm not 100 per cent sure that's "stock," because MB did some work on the EQ when I had my purple in for a midlife.
CoG said:
Buddy said:
Its a speaker and room thing , ' You can drive yourself nuts with with this .
Bugs !
Hotay ?

Same cabs, same room ;)

Sorry man , luckily there is no real penalty for typing "impaired"

I flipped out when I heard a weird warble in my tone ...
It turned out to be reflected sound from the ceiling fan .. :oops:

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