MKIIC+ settings?

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Well-known member
Jan 26, 2005
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I just picked up a nice MKIIC+ combo, (yea me). It made it to my workplace in one piece. (thank God). I can't wait until I get home to plug it in and hear what all the raves are about this amp.

So I went to the "amp database settings", and I realized that there are no sample settings of the C+.

So......can anyone share their settings with me? This way I can get a head start to get a good sound. Then I can tweak it from there.

Also, this amp has Simul-Class, and came with all 6L6 tubes. Do any other C+ users with Simulclass leave all their tubes 6L6's or do you put EL34's on the outside? Wouldn't leaving all 6L6's defeat the whole purpose of Simul-Class? I'd like to hear your opinions.

thanks in advance :)

Also, I'll get pics up asap

Had you seen this yet?

As far as Simul-Class, I like it both ways, I haven't really decided which I "prefer" yet though.
adrenaline junkie said:

Had you seen this yet?

As far as Simul-Class, I like it both ways, I haven't really decided which I "prefer" yet though.

Thanks, I forgot about that :)

One more thing, since the amp came with all 6L6's, I'll try that out first. If I want to use EL34's on the outside, is it as easy as just taking the two 6L6's out and putting the EL34's in, or do I have to get it biased?
lesterpaul said:
yes...slap some el 34's in there for a little of that British thang...

Yes, but do I just put them in or do I have to get it biased. Is it that simple that you just swap tubes?
jerseydrew said:
lesterpaul said:
yes...slap some el 34's in there for a little of that British thang...

Yes, but do I just put them in or do I have to get it biased. Is it that simple that you just swap tubes?

The first step with any C+ Simul is to make sure that pin #1 of the outer (Class-A) power tube sockets is grounded. It is not going to affect the 6L6 tubes because they are missing pin #1 on the tube itself. EL-34's have a pin #1 that needs to be connected to ground for safe operation. As long as you use MESA branded EL-34's or other brands with similar current draw, their should not be any bias issues.
adrenaline junkie said:

Had you seen this yet?

As far as Simul-Class, I like it both ways, I haven't really decided which I "prefer" yet though.

Those setting do not work well with the C+. Those are IIC settings. For example, look at the "metal" settings. There is no way you should have any knobs set to "10". That is just way too much gain. I think the C+ has more gain than a IIC so those settings don't really apply. At least not with my amp.
Well I'll be the first then :p

Vol 1: 7
Treble: Just under 7
Bass: 2
Mid: 3
Master 1: 3
Lead Drive: 8
Lead Master: 3

Everything pulled w/ humbuckers, everything pushed with singles

Thanks Platypus. I would appreciate anyone else's settings too.

I just plugged in the amp for the first time about an hour ago (I didn't try Platypus' settings yet). I'm waiting for the magic to start. So far the sound is very shallow and tinny. Extremely trebly. My amp has Simul-Class and reverb, but no EQ.

I don't really get what some of the "pull" knobs do. For example, on Volume 1 it say's "pull bright". Well that one's obvious. What I don't get is the "pull shift" over the treble and bass. What's "pull shift"? They don't seem to do anything.

Also Platypus, are you running Simul-class or class A? If Simul-class, are you using all 6L6's or a couple of EL34's on the outside?

I've only had a chance to play it for 20 minutes. Right now I haven't heard any "magic". I can't get a truly clean sound on the clean channel, is that normal? I guess I need to seriously tweak it some more. Or perhaps I should like my local Mesa authorized tech take a look at it? I've been chasing this amp for a long, long time. I'm not giving up without a fight. I need to take a deep breath and step away. I'll play it again in a few hours.
jerseydrew said:
Thanks Platypus. I would appreciate anyone else's settings too.

I just plugged in the amp for the first time about an hour ago (I didn't try Platypus' settings yet). I'm waiting for the magic to start. So far the sound is very shallow and tinny. Extremely trebly. My amp has Simul-Class and reverb, but no EQ.

I don't really get what some of the "pull" knobs do. For example, on Volume 1 it say's "pull bright". Well that one's obvious. What I don't get is the "pull shift" over the treble and bass. What's "pull shift"? They don't seem to do anything.

Also Platypus, are you running Simul-class or class A? If Simul-class, are you using all 6L6's or a couple of EL34's on the outside?

I've only had a chance to play it for 20 minutes. Right now I haven't heard any "magic". I can't get a truly clean sound on the clean channel, is that normal? I guess I need to seriously tweak it some more. Or perhaps I should like my local Mesa authorized tech take a look at it? I've been chasing this amp for a long, long time. I'm not giving up without a fight. I need to take a deep breath and step away. I'll play it again in a few hours.

Take some time to work the controls, this is another amp that's easy to make sound like total ***** if you don't dial it in. Up until recently I had a 60/100W only so I have 46L6s in it.. my simul has el34/6l6. The settings there and the EQ pic are from my 4 6L6 amp.

I'll write a more detailed post later for you but I have to run for now.
I'll try your settings out too GTS. I think you might be right about the Presence setting. I may have had it too high.
Platypus said:
Take some time to work the controls, this is another amp that's easy to make sound like total sh!t if you don't dial it in.
I'll write a more detailed post later for you but I have to run for now.

Thanks Platypus, you're right, I need to take my time. Right now it does sound like sh!t
it's all about not having harsh tubes too. I have my presence at about 4-5.

vol 1 (7-8) PLD
treble (7-8) PLD
bass (2-3) PLD
middle (3)
Master (3-4) PLD
Lead drive (7-8)
Lead Master (5-6) this knob really varies for me depending on how loud I am playing. same goes for the vol1..and I usually don't pull the aster at low volumes.

I also run all mullards besides the 2 6L6(440s) mesa's and a mesa sp12ax7 in the phase.
jerseydrew said:
I'm waiting for the magic to start. So far the sound is very shallow and tinny. Extremely trebly. My amp has Simul-Class and reverb, but no EQ.

Any of the settings that you have seen with an EQ C+ may not work too well for you (If they have a wild "V" scoop on their EQ). If you can stand a slightly dirty rhythm channel, set the Vol 1 to "9" and the Lead Drive to "4-5". Along with a low presence setting, this may help to fatten up the lead channel. What kind of guitar and speakers are you using?
V1: 7-8
M: 3-4
Ms: Depends on who's home, usually below 2-3; PULLED
LD: 4-6 depending on style of music; PULLED
LM: To balance with V1
Presence: 4-5

I find the PULL on V1 and LM are too bright for my taste, especially with a maple-neck Strat.

Also be aware of the relationship between V1 and Lead Drive. The higher V1, the gainier the Drive channel will be. Adjusting these together allows me to smooth out the Drive channel.

I find it curious that you can't get a really clean sound out of it. I have no trouble getting a nice clean sound from mine, even with V1 above 8. There might be something else going on with your amp. Terms like "shallow and tinny" make me wonder if it might be a tube issue?

As a point of reference, what other amps do you/have you owned that you like?
JOEY B. said:
Any of the settings that you have seen with an EQ C+ may not work too well for you (If they have a wild "V" scoop on their EQ). If you can stand a slightly dirty rhythm channel, set the Vol 1 to "9" and the Lead Drive to "4-5". Along with a low presence setting, this may help to fatten up the lead channel. What kind of guitar and speakers are you using?

I don't have the EQ so that might be a problem with not getting a full enough sound. Tomorrow I'll lower the presence, that should help.

As for guitars, I have a ton. Les Paul, Tele's, Dean, Ibanez, a little of everything. The amp is a combo so I'm using the speaker that's in the combo, which happens to be an EV.
dodger916 said:
I find it curious that you can't get a really clean sound out of it. I have no trouble getting a nice clean sound from mine, even with V1 above 8. There might be something else going on with your amp. Terms like "shallow and tinny" make me wonder if it might be a tube issue?

As a point of reference, what other amps do you/have you owned that you like?

I've also owned a bunch of amps. I've owned many Boogies before too. My number one amp at the moment is my MKIV. I know this sounds funny, but I had no problem dialing in a good sound with my MKIV. Even with all the knobs :lol:

I'm also thinking there might be a tube issue. Since I plan on keeping this amp, I think I might take it in for a check up. This way I can rule out any problems whatsoever.

BTW, I want to thank everyone for taking the time out to help me with my situation. I also very much appreciate all the "amp settings". I'll be checking them all out tomorrow.


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