MKIIB Combo w/15" EV

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Jan 28, 2006
Reaction score
I'm new to this board and thank you for your time. I have a 1982 MKIIB combo with a 15" EV. Does the 15" make this amp more collectable than one with a 12"? Does the 15" add any value to the sale price?

It might, depends on who's buying it. I wouldn't pay more for it personally but maybe a pedal steel player or someone else who likes punishment. That thing must be heavy as ache eee double hockey sticks.
I just bought this exact amp too! Made in June '82, blonde, original 15" EV....and yes, she is a HEAVY one. Mine is missing the footswitch...any ideas on where to buy an original?

I've been fiddling around with settings trying to find a balance between the clean channel and the distortion luck yet. the clean tone is incredible and then when I kick in the distortion....BOOM it blows me out of the room.

any advice on settings?
The IIB has the greatest clean of any mark series (imho) and the 15" driver only makes it more desireable to me. I think, as memory serves me, that the best thing to do is dial in a great clean, and push it with a great overdrive pedal. I'd suggest a TS808 re-issue or a tubescreamer modded to TS808 specs...Seems to serve the Boog's voice best...
The lead channel is OK for some Santana-esque stuff, but really, I've seen them most often used as a clean amp, pushed....
Great find!!
ax. 8)
Wow what a score. These MKII's with a 15" are quite rare. Where did you happen to find that one if you don't mind me asking. Did you get a good deal on it?

As for the footswitch I would contact Mesa directly. I would imagine they would have a solution.

Again, congrats on a great amp.
As for the footswitch, you could build your own. All it is, is a Carling footswitch SPST and a parallel "speaker" type cable not a coxial type "guitar"
type cable. You just solder the terminal from the footswitch to the 1/4" jack. If you want to get fancy, you put an LED with a 150k resistor (if I'm not mistaken)

of course RussB may have some input on the Mark II. He always corrects me. :?
Yes, the amp is pretty uncommon. As for the price, I am sure they are worth more to the right person. I find a IIC+ with an EV 12L too **** heavy at 34 years old, I bet that 15 is murder. As for the footswitch, you could probably order the parts from Mouser or Antique Electronic supply an build your own for 1/4 of the Mesa. Most old Mesa footswitches are just BUD CU-124 boxes with a 1/4 inch phone jack and a Carling 110P anyway. The only other place is Flea Bay.