Mini Recto - time to change tubes?

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Jul 5, 2013
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Hello All!

During the last few weeks I noticed that my Mini Recto has become a lot brighter and also a bit less gainier than before. As a result the highs are quite harsh (even with High/Presence turned fairly down). This happens regardless the guitar I am using; switching off the FX loop doesn't make any difference. In general it is becoming harder to dial the characteristic throaty Mesa roar we all love so much. :cry:

I am using the Vintage channel 90% of the time. All tubes are approximately 2 years old.

I am wondering if I need to replace of the tubes. Should I start with the pre-amp or with the power tubes? Also, it will be great if you point me to some ideas how to troubleshoot and find the cause.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!
I'm considering a tube change also on my mini rec. it's 2 years old and doesn't have much low end definition.
EL84s are cheap when compared to the bigger bottle power tubes. Order a set with 2 or 3 12ax7s. Pop the new power tubes in and see if it resolves your tone issues. If not, swap the old ones back in and try a new 12ax7 in V1 or V1 and V2.

I would recommend you talk to the retailer about what tone your are after to see if they can help you out.