Mini Recto Crackling

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Well-known member
Oct 17, 2010
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My mini recto started this crackling sound. It happens in both channels and in both power settings. Kinda sounds like a bad cable but it is not. Amp is a alittle over a year old. Power tubes maybe??

Do you have extra preamp tubes? I'd try replacing V1 first, and the driver tube second, since they are used by every channel and mode. If that doesn't fix it, then try the power tubes.

I'm assuming you have tried a different cable and guitar. ;)
Authorized Boogie said:
Crackling is typically a sound associated with failing preamp tubes - Popping is often an indicator of a failing power tube. Many people describe their amp popping in the days/weeks/months leading up to power tube failure. Glad you got it sorted out first!

I would suspect V1.

If you turn your FX loop switch off (if you have one) then that will eliminate V5. Then its a matter of V1 and V4.
Yes I am using the loop. I will try running direct to make sure it is an amp problem. Then disable the loop.

Thanks for your help.

If I need to retube, what does everyone recommend??
dmraco said:
If I need to retube, what does everyone recommend??
If you're not an experienced tube roller (or even if you are) protect your warranty and use the Mesa tubes; at least the power tubes for sure. Other people will offer suggestions for their favorite pre-amp tubes. Lots of folks seem to like the Tung Sol in V1.
It depends on how much of an audiophile you are. My ear cant seem to hear the differences in the preamp tubes so I go with what are supposed to be consistent tubes. I have Ruby 12AX7HG+ in my V1 and V2 and Mesa throughout V3-5. Im using JJs EL84s for power tubes.

Most posters here seem to like the Tungsol in V1. If you do a search there are a few threads on what tubes players prefer and tube rolling.

If you are new to tube amps in general, I would suggest sticking to Mesa, until you do a lot of research.