Mini Rec and Used Dual Rec same price...

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knotts said:
khingpynn said:
In another post here I talked about this very thing. I bought a 3 channel Dual Rec in 9 out of 10 condition for $750 as a back up for my Roadking live rig. The mini amps are helping bring the price down it seems... cool!

Nope not for sale :)
I stopped by GC and played my first mini rec. I have heard good things but was blown away by the tone an versatility. I can't figure out if I need (I try to convince myself I need it) a mini or a dual rec. I almost want to get a dual rec and use it as my main amp instead of my LSC. The only thing that is pushing me towards the dual rec is the extra watts with the output / solo feature and the reverb. Short of that I can't see why a mini rec won't do the job.
These lunch box amps are neat and everything, but it would be cool if more companies would start building fully featured low powered amps.

I know that part of the popularity of the mini amps is the lower cost, but it'd be cool to have a 25w/EL84 Dual Rectifier or a Roadster with all the bells and whistles of the 100w version, even if it meant paying the same price as the 100w version.

...but in fairness to Mesa, I do wonder if they'd sell enough to justify the R&D?
Well said... I tried several Mesa's before I got the Roadking... Mini, Single, Dual, and Triple rec, Roadster, Stilletto, Trans Atlantic, Eltra Dyne, Mark... everything. I went with the Roadking not because I felt it sounded better than the others... they all sound great and have great features... I went with the Roadking because it is the most versitile amp with all the tones I was looking for. The Dual Rec purchase was a good deal that came my way at a great time and will be the back up amp to my Roadking... I just dont see a Mini Rec, or even a Single as being a good back up... and I'm a huge fan of both!

I will say this... no other mini amp is as impressive an offering as the Mini Rec... it really captures the essence an quality of tone and build quality of it's bigger brothers and it does have a lot of features when compared to many other mini amps. If you are looking for the huge thick heavy tones that Mesa can deliver I dont recommend the Mini Rec or the Single Rec... I found both these amps to simply not have the head room/wattage to deliver the "weight in the note" that I like from a 100 watt power amp platform.

just my 2 c's
Before long, used Minirecs will be everywhere for $600. Then you'll have a more valid comparison.

Me, I wouldn't have wanted a bigger amp, even for the same price. A big part of the appeal for me was the small physical size, and the lower-wattage power amp. Getting a brand new amp with a full warranty for under a grand was also a selling point.
elvis said:
Won't the multi-watt DR basically be the low-power full-feature amp?

Two big tubes don't sound like four little tubes.

That, and 100w transformers don't really produce a whole lot of sag or compression when the amp is only outputting 50w.
From someone who owns a mini, if there was a Dual or even a triple, perfect condition availavle used for the same price, I would not have purchased it. While it may be much more of an amp, it was not was I was looking for. The issues for me were:
Size...tone (the EL84s do sound different)...and being able to get a great tone without my ears bleeding. Even with the Duals 50 watt setting it too much. I hardly ever take my mini out of 10W mode.

Different strokes for different folks.

For a point of refference, I was at the local music store and played one of the highly praised Jimi Hendrix heads on a 4x12. Hated it. A master volume master piece that only sounds good cranked. If someone gave it to me I would sell it, buy a mini recto, a good 2x12 or 1x12, and a killer Les Paul custom....
dmraco said:
From someone who owns a mini, if there was a Dual or even a triple, perfect condition availavle used for the same price, I would not have purchased it. While it may be much more of an amp, it was not was I was looking for. The issues for me were:
Size...tone (the EL84s do sound different)...and being able to get a great tone without my ears bleeding. Even with the Duals 50 watt setting it too much. I hardly ever take my mini out of 10W mode.

Different strokes for different folks.

For a point of refference, I was at the local music store and played one of the highly praised Jimi Hendrix heads on a 4x12. Hated it. A master volume master piece that only sounds good cranked. If someone gave it to me I would sell it, buy a mini recto, a good 2x12 or 1x12, and a killer Les Paul custom....

You make a great point... different strokes for different folks... so true!
screamingdaisy said:
Why are you comparing the used price of a $2000 amp to the new price of a $1000 amp?

Yeah it's not very fair although it is indeed a better value. The thing is would you ever even need all the power of a dual? As said if you don't play out it would probably be a waste to get a dual. If you play out maybe consider if the the venues you play at have pa and whatnot. I hear the sound guys dislike people who bring in big rigs.... :lol:
Lots of sound guys hate half stacks because...

0ne) they loose control over the rigs volume

two) half stacks at stage level point sraight out into the listening area and therefore are very directional... many guys put combos on stands and they point upwards towards their ears therefore they need less volume on stage and they are not so directional to the listening audiance.

A good sound guy strives for the room to sound even for all levels.

I do sound myself for other bands and our band Blakkstone Hexx we sometime use a sound man too. When I play I use a half stack to set my stage volume then I take off direct to the board with a Radial JDI to "fill out" the room.

A lot of guitar players who dont do sound or dont take an interest in how things sound especially out front are some of the worst to deal with. A cranked amp wether half stack or combo can be a pain in the ass for a great overal sound. There has to be a balance that fits the venue.
If you have a decent PA, always tun the cabs to the stage, you will control your volume.
A good sounding stage = good sounding show.

So, a mini can do here, I have a mini in a 412 and it's loud enough for any situation.
If upon want more volume, get a second cab!
And if you want more, DUDE, YOUR CRAZY !
knotts said:
.....a new MR with a 5 year warranty.
Isn't that warranty transferrable? I've been tempted to buy one of the used Mini Recs floating around, and with probably 4 yrs 9 mos of warranty left on it - transferrable warranty - that would really make it a very tempting deal indeed.

And there are some used ones out ther already running in the roughly $700 dollar range, cheaper than used Express amps.
guitarslayer said:
screamingdaisy said:
The Mini isn't trying to emulate anything. It is a 25w EL84 powered Rectifier.... and it costs $1000 new. Why the used price of a totally different amp is being compared to it I don't quite understand.
If the mini wasn't trying to emulate the original recto why would it be called the mini "recto", have same look and mesa itself said it has the iconic recto tone, meaning emulating tone of the dual rectifier. Tien from Mesa said himself - "its a truly accurate mini version of the dual rectifier". Im comparing tone VS $. Not new vs used.
elvis said:
Seems like you see the MR as a poor substitute for a DR. If so, buy the DR.

The MR has small size, reasonable volume (no need to shake the house off the foundation just to get it heated up) and tones that the DR can't really do.

It's really an apples-to-pomegranites comparison.
The mini in a sense is the poor mans dual recto. Mesa created this as a entry level price to that recto tone everyone is familiar with. This is for those people who are looking for recto tone without paying 2 grand. And my point was that if its the recto tone someone is after they can score a used original dual rec at about the same price sometimes in mint condition. I do understand those who buy it for the lesser power but still a recto tone for home playing.

It is not an Entry Level amp, nor is it just for home playing. It is plenty good enough to play live.
People that think they need 100W to play live are at best mis-informed. The MR is planty loud at 25W and I prefer micing an amp and running through the PA if I need more volume. Just sounds better that way.

So for me (and I had a Mesa Mark 4 which I consider a better amp than a DR) I love the tones and portability. You couldn't sell me a DR for half the price. I think the MR is a great peice of engineering.
Reeko said:
guitarslayer said:
screamingdaisy said:
The Mini isn't trying to emulate anything. It is a 25w EL84 powered Rectifier.... and it costs $1000 new. Why the used price of a totally different amp is being compared to it I don't quite understand.
If the mini wasn't trying to emulate the original recto why would it be called the mini "recto", have same look and mesa itself said it has the iconic recto tone, meaning emulating tone of the dual rectifier. Tien from Mesa said himself - "its a truly accurate mini version of the dual rectifier". Im comparing tone VS $. Not new vs used.
elvis said:
Seems like you see the MR as a poor substitute for a DR. If so, buy the DR.

The MR has small size, reasonable volume (no need to shake the house off the foundation just to get it heated up) and tones that the DR can't really do.

It's really an apples-to-pomegranites comparison.
The mini in a sense is the poor mans dual recto. Mesa created this as a entry level price to that recto tone everyone is familiar with. This is for those people who are looking for recto tone without paying 2 grand. And my point was that if its the recto tone someone is after they can score a used original dual rec at about the same price sometimes in mint condition. I do understand those who buy it for the lesser power but still a recto tone for home playing.

It is not an Entry Level amp, nor is it just for home playing. It is plenty good enough to play live.
People that think they need 100W to play live are at best mis-informed. The MR is planty loud at 25W and I prefer micing an amp and running through the PA if I need more volume. Just sounds better that way.

So for me (and I had a Mesa Mark 4 which I consider a better amp than a DR) I love the tones and portability. You couldn't sell me a DR for half the price. I think the MR is a great peice of engineering.

I noticed this thread was started awhile back. I think by now we (people that have played and own) can consider the Mini Rec a true classic. Or atleast I think so. Like you said, you couldn't sell me a Dual Rec for $500 and I've had 2. The Mini just gets super great tones at not so ear bleeding volumes, even though it's still EXTREMELY loud. You can also get better cleans and better pushed tones in the Mini I think. The Vintage sound better and so does the Modern mode. I just think its an all around better amp for club gigs and home use. Now if your playing stadiums then get 16 Dual Recs, but if your a gigging musician that plays just clubs (like most of us), then the Mini is a better option IMHO.
Just a question:
How many pro big acts in a stadium actually use there amp for sound vs a PA?
None that I know of.

I have seen statdium acts that use small Fender Combos that are mic'd.
No one needs 100W unless they want loud clean headroom on stage.
Reeko said:
Just a question:
How many pro big acts in a stadium actually use there amp for sound vs a PA?
None that I know of.

I have seen statdium acts that use small Fender Combos that are mic'd.
No one needs 100W unless they want loud clean headroom on stage.

I don't play stadiums with big pro PA systems. I play **** holes.

Just sayin' :wink:
screamingdaisy said:
Reeko said:
.......No one needs 100W unless they want loud clean headroom on stage.

I don't play stadiums with big pro PA systems. I play sh!t holes.

Just sayin' :wink:

Most of the places we play only the vocals are in the PA. When we do play the occasional bigger gig the monitor mix usually sux anyway and that's when I am glad I have a 100W amp.
