I need to buy myself a 4 space rack as flat as possible because I want to put it between my 4x12 cab and my MARK IV head. It would be even better if I could put it on top of my head (could use the furman lights) but because of the amp handle not sure if it would be stable.
My first choice would be a SKB because of weight but they don't seem to be very flat...
4U Shallow "X" SKB Rack = 8.3 lbs
4U Shallow plywood Rack = 25 pounds
Here's a link to my second choice: http://cgi.ebay.com/4-Space-Amplifier-Shallow-Rack-Case-DJK-4UED_W0QQitemZ140257931619QQihZ004QQcategoryZ23789QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
A good choice would be to buy a rack for the head but for my mesa widebody the few taht I have found on ebay doesn't ship to Canada!
My first choice would be a SKB because of weight but they don't seem to be very flat...
4U Shallow "X" SKB Rack = 8.3 lbs
4U Shallow plywood Rack = 25 pounds
Here's a link to my second choice: http://cgi.ebay.com/4-Space-Amplifier-Shallow-Rack-Case-DJK-4UED_W0QQitemZ140257931619QQihZ004QQcategoryZ23789QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
A good choice would be to buy a rack for the head but for my mesa widebody the few taht I have found on ebay doesn't ship to Canada!