MFX Suggestions for Roadster

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Active member
Sep 27, 2009
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Melbourne, AUS
Hey folks.

Just thought i'd pick some brains regarding multi fx units that everyone's using. :twisted:

I'm on this little hunt for a floor-based processor that can give me my comps, od's, phasers and pitch shift/harmonizing before my preamp, then time/modulation based effects afterwards. Obviously my only choice (if i want it all in a single package, which i do) is to have a setup like the '4 cable method'...but this is where my dilemma comes in...

I currently use a (broken) G Major in the loop of my roadster. It's one of my favorite bits of gear because i KNOW that when i engage the loop of and amp, it is completely transparent when no effects are on. I've done so many blind tests and i still come off not knowing when the loop is on or off. Obviously the first thing to come to my mind is "well get a G system", but it's not that easy.

I used to own a Line 6 Spider Valve mkII and although the amp tones/feel wasn't that great, the effects were.I was always inspired to try new things because the effects alone were just plain FUN!!
The TC Electronic stuff is a different story. Although TC's effects are a lot more defined and tweakable, they just have this 'cork-sniffer' vibe about them. Also, the g system doesn't have any od's built in.

So my issue is...

Do I opt for the G system as i know tc's conversion quality is top notch and i know it'll keep my amp's tone, or do i go for the Line 6 M13 for which i have NO IDEA if it's as transparent as i'd like it to be but the effects ROCK!! Please keep in mind i'm going to be using the unit as a MIDI floorboard as well, replacing my Rocktron MIDI mate. Only program changes controller changes.
Also, throw in your 2 cents worth if there's another MFX unit that you think could work better.



probably not the answer you are looking for, but you shouldn't put harmonizer effects in front of your amp when you use distortion ;)
With my roadster, I use a digitech gsp1101 4 cable method with a ground control pro and two mission engineering expression pedals calibrated for the ground control. Works great. I Also use the GCX switcher to switch amp channels and functions. Great effects and pretty transparent.
Yeah i was thinking of going the digitech route as well, but i want to steer clear of rack. Been and done and i treasure my back too much to go back to lugging a rack around. Jeez the roadster head is heavy enough.

And the harmonizer effects to me sound more organic before gains. post gain, they have this slightly 'too obvious' tonal quality. I find anything before gain is going to be a lot more subtle and harmonizers and pitch shifters before gain make it sound like that's how the GUITAR sounds. but that's just me.
harem_theater said:
I'm on this little hunt for a floor-based processor that can give me my comps, od's, phasers and pitch shift/harmonizing before my preamp, then time/modulation based effects afterwards. Obviously my only choice (if i want it all in a single package, which i do) is to have a setup like the '4 cable method'...but this is where my dilemma comes in...

Also, the g system doesn't have any od's built in.


I would highly recommend using a dedicated overdrive box. They're unsurpassed as boosts in my eyes.

I've used multi-FX units from Line 6 (POD), BOSS (GT8), and Digitech (RP1000). While their ODs/distortions can sound convincing in clips and demos etc, they kind of take over the sound when being used to boost a good amp. When run direct, however, they can sound decent and very usable in their own right.

I've never used the G-system but I do know that it (or some other TC electronics multi-fx) allows you to put in your own OD pedal in a loop to patch it in wherever you please. The Digitech RP1000 and BOSS GT10 allow you to do this as well.

Were it up to me, I would stick with the TC stuff. A lot of the R&D done on Line 6, Boss, Digitech, etc goes into the amp models rather than the effects, which I'm presuming isn't what you desire.
I have a Boss GT-10 and it will do all of those things you mentioned using 4CM. If the Roadster is a Parallel loop, them the GT-10 won't sound very good.
yeah i get what you're saying about the focus on amps instead of effects....but thats why i ws looking at the M13 as it's just a stompbox modeller instead of amp stuff.....If the G system had the type of effects that Line 6 have, it would be a clear winner. Or if someone can tell me if the M13 will colour my tone when no effects are engaged (just the loop for the preamp) or if it's not really a noticable difference.

I would normally go and try it out myself but i don't have any available near me.

As for the GT-10, do you find it changes anything? does it change the reponse of the amp or cut any of the highs off?
As for the GT-10, do you find it changes anything? does it change the reponse of the amp or cut any of the highs off?

No. It doesn't change any of that. I use it for effects. It has tons of effects and some pretty good ones. The only beef I have with the GT-10 is that it is not a very easy unit to work with. It takes some getting used to.
I can vouch for the g system with a roadster great combination. U can get a nova drive with the g system if you want od.
The roadster has a series loop. I have a gmajor2 in the loop and it works great for my needs. I use the compressor and even the wah in the loop. Obviously the compressor and wah effects are very subtle in the loop but it works well IMO.
Yeah I have a G Major. But i want a programmable od in front of the amp. I'm also wanting to get away from rack stuff. I know what i'm like and it all starts with 1RU of gear then you end up with your amp in a case with 12RU worth of other stuff. too much hassle.

I may just go the M13. Line 6's effects seem more fun to me. I just hope i can keep the amp's standalone tone when i don't have any other effects on.

Or maybe i could try the GT-8 again. I did LOVE all the effects out of that thing. Just the tone sucking thing was a big issue...i wonder if the GT-10 has the same problem or if i just set it up wrong??
harem_theater said:
i wonder if the GT-10 has the same problem or if i just set it up wrong??

Often, people don't spend enough time with new gear. Take my gmajor2 for instance. One of my buddies, went out and bought one, to replace his pedal chain. He had 2 compressors, 2 delays, a chorus, wah and several boosts and distortions in his chain. He went out and bought the gmajor2, and took it home. Within 2 days he had taken it back saying it was utter crap. LOL... He said he couldn't dial in any useful tones on it at all. Of course, there were a couple of issues here:

1) his expectations were way too high

He really doesn't grasp the fact that he'll never get that "perfect tone". It's a moving target. Being in a cover band really exaggerates this problem too. He's trying to get multiple perfected tones.

2) he didn't give it enough time

Understanding a piece of gear as complicated as the GMajor2 or the GT10 is not something you can just flip a couple of switches and expect it to sound exactly the way you envision it. It takes lots of tweaking to get tone that will be pleasing to your ears considering issue #1.

I guess what I am trying to say is that people are getting way way way too complicated with their rigs. If you want ultimate flexibility go the modeling route, if you want a good tube amp and use subtle effects to color the sound, that is a different thing altogether!

pokerrules47 said:
2) he didn't give it enough time

Understanding a piece of gear as complicated as the GMajor2 or the GT10 is not something you can just flip a couple of switches and expect it to sound exactly the way you envision it. It takes lots of tweaking to get tone that will be pleasing to your ears considering issue #1.

I guess what I am trying to say is that people are getting way way way too complicated with their rigs. If you want ultimate flexibility go the modeling route, if you want a good tube amp and use subtle effects to color the sound, that is a different thing altogether!



This is a must. I went from 15 pedals on my pedal board to a gsp1101. Off the bat I had to remind myself I wasn't going to replicate the 15 specific pedals that were made to do their specific job. In having time to tweak, great sounds can be produced. Instead of having one delay pedal...I can have multiple delay settings instantly in patches. its great. But yes, it does take time learning how processors function.