Metallica Tone Settings - Mark IIC+ (with Pics!)

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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
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Just thought I'd throw up my settings for those interest who are using the same gear. Try em out & lemme know what your ears think!?

ESP MX 250II (Mahogany Body/Ebony Board with EMG 81's)
plugged straight into my

MARK IIC+ (Long Head, 60/100 Watt with EQ & Reverb)
in the FX Loop I have my

Boss GE7 (7 Band EQ)
which then goes into my

MXR 10 Band EQ (KFK version)
Send>BOSS EQ>MXR EQ>Return

I'm running my Mark IIC+ straight into my Rectifier 4X12 (V30's) closed back cab.

Here are links to pictures of my settings:

Mark IIC+ Settings -
NOTE: My PRESENCE is set to 4.5 and all knobs are PULLED except the BASS.

Mark IIC+ EQ -

Boss GE7 7 Band EQ -

MXR KFK 10 Band EQ -

NOTE: These settings are for a fairly low volume, so try em first as is, but if your gonna crank the volume a bit you may find you need to slightly lower the DRIVE or TREBLE to keep everything clear & crisp - just something to consider.

To me, I got a Garage Days/Justice type tone going, it's pretty raw yet tight and thrashy at the same time.

Keep in mind, I'm FAR from a professional player/recorder etc...but lemme know what you think and/or if you have any suggestions or settings you think I may like.

I'm really after Hetfield's 92/93 Live tone!
3 EQs? :shock:

Your settings are not unlike mine for the most part, a few num difference here and there.

We'll I use 3, but, each effecting a different using one 22 Band EQ in a way.

Sorry no clips, not sure how to get clips online, no recording experience.
lol... what a scoop. Is there anything left after you rip 20dbs from the heart of the guitar's tone?

I can get enough scooping from my amp's EQ alone, 3 EQ's seems rather excessive.
Depends what tone your after...that's why I'd like to know what others think if they try em out...for an old Metallica tone I think scooping like so is necessary (at this volume), again also depends on the volume you play at, these settings work strictly for fairly low volumes...I'd definitely change my settings when playing at louder volumes...
Well I don't have a MKIIC+ so I can't try it unfortunately. How loud are you playing this?

Usually when I play loud, I just scoop the mids a tiny bit, because at high volumes, the cab lends its own low end. If you boost it too much it just becomes too much.
These settings are just for low bedroom levels...I use different settings when turned up.
Anyone have any favorite Power/Pre Amp tube configurations/models that they would recommend for a Hetfield type tone?
zakkinc said:
We'll I use 3, but, each effecting a different using one 22 Band EQ in a way.

Sorry no clips, not sure how to get clips online, no recording experience.

3 EQs does not work like a 22 band at ALL. Each band's "Q" is far too wide for that. They just have an additive effect, so you are cutting something like 30+db of mids and adding like 15+db of highs and bass. I cannot even imagine how bad that must sound. Clip, please!
OverDriven said:
zakkinc said:
We'll I use 3, but, each effecting a different using one 22 Band EQ in a way.

Sorry no clips, not sure how to get clips online, no recording experience.

3 EQs does not work like a 22 band at ALL. Each band's "Q" is far too wide for that. They just have an additive effect, so you are cutting something like 30+db of mids and adding like 15+db of highs and bass. I cannot even imagine how bad that must sound. Clip, please!

Sorta what I was getting at.

zakkinc, you have to know that when you cut, say, 6db @ 220hz on an EQ, all it means is that exactly 220hz loses 6db, all the surrounding frequencies lose tons too. 210hz probably loses close to 5.5dB, same with 230, and it fans out from there. The area of effect (the Q) on cheap EQ pedals is very wide.

If you want to get more precise, a high-quality 22-band is the way to go, either that or a parametric EQ with adjustable Q might be nice too.

Keep in mind, Metallica ran parametric EQs on their microphones when they recorded.
I would think that running 3 eq's through the effects loop would be somewhat redundant...Like others have said, its not the same as running a 21-band eq.

I've never been pleased with the way my amps sound with my GE-7 in the effects loop, and i can imagine adding an additional eq pedal would make it sound even worse, i thought it took away any depth, warmth the amp had & squashes it too much, as in it really neuters the sound & takes any balls away from it, giving it more of a solid state-like quality...I've never tried an MXR eq in the fx loop, it may be better than the boss, but the GE-7 really sounds like *** in it...

But, I do like using the GE-7 on the front end, before the preamp, as a clean boost for leads & solos, used in that context, it adds even more balls to my lead tone, IMO
Thanks for the info guys! Yeah I don't have much experience with recording I just play around with friends and stuff...But good info to know for sure, what you guys say makes sense.

Just an FYI: The Boss on it's on sounds like crap to me too, but, when I add the MXR in there as well it sounds completely different and I'm pretty happy with the tone, but at low volumes heard as is (not being recorded). So I'm not sure how it sounds when recorded, when I crank the amp I use completely different settings.

Yeah I have been thinkin about a parametric EQ, any recommendations? Any insights to the difference between the graphic versus parametric?

Thanks for your help guys, I appreciate the constructive feedback!

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