Mesa's secret new amp...

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May 24, 2005
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I just spent about 15 minutes searching the threads but couldn't find what I was looking for... I could have swore I saw on this forum someone's post about a communication they had with a Mesa rep about a new model due out next winter... It was described as being along the lines of a tremoverb or rectoverb but with more features--but not as crazy as the Road King. Has anyone heard any more info about that? Are there any spy wannabes out there that'd like to become a Mesa "mole" and steal some secret mesa files and then come back and tell us what you found out? :lol: I sure would like to know what they are cooking up... :wink:
I think it was a tricked out Dual/Triple with the 50/100w (or 150w) power switches and rectifier select switches on each channel, with reverb.

So, basically a Dual with the Stilletto's features and 'verb.
screamingdaisy said:
I think it was a tricked out Dual/Triple with the 50/100w (or 150w) power switches and rectifier select switches on each channel, with reverb.

So, basically a Dual with the Stilletto's features and 'verb.

Well it's about **** time. :) The simpler-than-RK recto line needs some fresh blood injected into it.
Hopefully it is as described in this thread and will come out about the same time GC has another financing promotion which a GC rep told me might be around Christmas time. That would be very cool if it turns out that way.
That was me 8)

I spoke to a rep about an issue with an amp I was wanting to get but had a problem and he told me if I liked my Triple recto and wanted all the options of the tube rectification and diode rectification, plus all the sounds I like in my Triple then I would REALLY like what Mesa is working on right now. He couldn't give too many details or a release date, but told me to be on the look-out sometime after the first of next year, and then said "give or take 6-8 months".

Heres the original text:
Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 9:41 am Post subject: New Boogie product hinted at yesterday!!!!


I called Tech support yesterday and had a question about a tremoverb I'd seen for sale with a few issues..... I decided against getting the t-verb and asked him about the Rectoverb that I've been interested in for a few weeks and he said it was a great amp - I then said I wished it had the choice of TUBE rectification like the T-verb or my Triple recto and he said this...... If you can wait and If you're really wanting something along the lines of a T-verb and a Rectoverb but with more options and you like the Road King, then you might want to wait a little while and see what we will have to offer! He said they have something in the Rectifier line that will please me very well, but cant give me any details or release dates ..... He said to keep an eye out later this year or early next year.

Needless to say, I can't wait a year to get a combo.... there's always Ebay if it's going to be as good as they say.

That got me thinking, it could be a 3ch 50wt rectifier with the tube/diode option for a rectifier or maybe a stripped down 1x12 version of the RK?

He did peak my interest
tele_jas said:
That was me 8)

Ah hah! Yes it was! Thanks... :D I was looking to find that comment you made but couldn't remember what thread it was in and couldn't find it after doing a search. Seems like every Mesa I check out, I wish it had a feature that another Mesa has--but without going so far as to get a RK--which I almost did on Tuesday. I decided the RK was more then I'd ever use live and couldn't justify the extra expense. The regular dual recs--no reverb and a limited variety of tones--at least compared to the t-verb. The T-verb: Wide range of tone but no solo option and only two channels which means you have to mess with it between songs to make full use of it--EQ, volume, gain etc. And the Rectoverb--single rec and only two channels. Anyway, seems like they could cook up a three channel dual rec with reverb and maybe even add in some EL34s with 6L6s--sort of a RK junior or something. We'll have to wait and see. :wink:
MisterSG said:
...seems like they could cook up a three channel dual rec with reverb and maybe even add in some EL34s with 6L6s--sort of a RK junior or something.

I'm sure we'd all like to see that! But not to make it more difficult than it really is, you could put a decent reverb pedal in your fx loop, and check out the "integrated quad" tube set (6L6/E34L) and you're done.
RK junior. Thats an interesting name... It think it could work.

If and when this amp comes out, I'm sure it will be the top of alot of people I know's buy lists!

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