Maybe I will get an answer here. When vintage 30s were made in the UK they were listed as 70 watts,
thus a 4X12 cab used to be listed as 280. Now H&K, B52, and on and on , any with V30s claim the new
260 watts, based on the new made in china version that is listed at 60 watts, thus a 4X12 =s 260.
Where does mesa say "they get specially made UK versions" with the new chinese made specs?
Their new cabs are now 260 watts. I am curious more than worried. I do not use mesa cabs.
Can anyone point me to the information.
Muchly appreciated
thus a 4X12 cab used to be listed as 280. Now H&K, B52, and on and on , any with V30s claim the new
260 watts, based on the new made in china version that is listed at 60 watts, thus a 4X12 =s 260.
Where does mesa say "they get specially made UK versions" with the new chinese made specs?
Their new cabs are now 260 watts. I am curious more than worried. I do not use mesa cabs.
Can anyone point me to the information.
Muchly appreciated