Mesa: The Beast Within!

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I agree with every bit of ur post ibanez! I got my GZ34's about 2 weeks ago and i had the same experience as you. Complete satisfaction with an amazing change for the better. The mesa tubes are bland and flabby and the JJ's are tight, articulate, and they add an extra bit of crunch to the gain. I play lots of lamb of god and always wondered how they do it but since i got the GZ34's i have no problem achieving the tight articulat, but thumping sound the jj's give me. JJ GZ34 for me =100% satisfaction :D Very good buy
GZ-34's! Woot!

Still can't stop playing!

I have a Quad of E34L's at home, and a Quad of 6L6s coming very soon! Once I have both in hand, I will start messing with the power section!

It will be time for yet another huge post!
If you wanted tight why not just use the silicon diodes, tighter than any valve rectifier will ever be
So GZ-34's are EL34's from JJ, and Eurotubes?

They tighten up the bass a great deal, and make the gain clearer?

what happened to the clean channel? did it get any better?

I have a single rec that I would like to use, but the tone isnt anywhere close to what my Mark IV's is.

Any other tube reccomendations would be great!

Ibanez, glad your tone-happy with your amp

Ibanez, look at what you could get with the EL34L's


Put em in!
Howitzer said:
So GZ-34's are EL34's from JJ, and Eurotubes?

They tighten up the bass a great deal, and make the gain clearer?

what happened to the clean channel? did it get any better?

I have a single rec that I would like to use, but the tone isnt anywhere close to what my Mark IV's is.

Any other tube reccomendations would be great!

Ibanez, glad your tone-happy with your amp


GZ34's are Rectifier tubes, and EL34L's are Power tubes! The Rectifier tubes rectify the current, or change it from AC to DC! Some will exhibit a vintage characteristic of "sagging"! Silicon Diodes won't tend to "sag" the signal and will exhibit a "tighter" feel to the amp! The GZ34's are pretty close to the Diodes in "feel"! When choosing/dealing with different Rectifier's, the main difference will be in the feel of the amp, not necessarily a tonal difference, as this post may lead you to think!
Well, im screwed either way, i dont have a rectifier tube!

thanks though!
Spend the 28 bucks..I just got mine in the other day and put them in last night and played at practice volumes and everything is tighter. I mean open notes have definition instead of flab, low note palm mutes are understandable instead of just flab. It really seems like there is a really nice amount of punch with definition. Really worth it. I wish i wouldn't have waited so long to spend 28 dollars.
JamesD said:
Spend the 28 bucks..I just got mine in the other day and put them in last night and played at practice volumes and everything is tighter. I mean open notes have definition instead of flab, low note palm mutes are understandable instead of just flab. It really seems like there is a really nice amount of punch with definition. Really worth it. I wish i wouldn't have waited so long to spend 28 dollars.

That sounds good to me! I want more punch! thats what Im lacking. Although with more glass in the back of my Triple--its $42 and with the shipping its like $50--But it sounds well worth it! :D
Ahh yes, that is right i forgot you rock the triple..I would say the 50 bucks is worth it as well. If you buy them and don't like them i will buy them from you for backups.
JamesD said:
Ahh yes, that is right i forgot you rock the triple..I would say the 50 bucks is worth it as well. If you buy them and don't like them i will buy them from you for backups.

Sweet mayn! I'll remember you--but with these reviews I doubt I'll need to take you up on that!
ibanez4life SZ! said:
I have a Quad of E34L's at home, and a Quad of 6L6s coming very soon! Once I have both in hand, I will start messing with the power section!

Hey ibanez, have you tried those 34Ls out? I put some in my roadster yesterday...can't say it made that much of a difference. I may also add some GZ34s and see what happens.

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