Mesa Subway D-800+ Troubleshooting

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Jul 23, 2024
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Hello all,

I'm new to the Mesa forum and I'm hoping to find some info on an issue I recently had with my Mesa Subway D-800+ amp. I've owned the Subway D-800+ for the better part of 7 years, and really haven't experienced any issues until recently.

I run the amp into 2 8-ohm SWR cabs (Goliath Jr. III 2x10 and a Big Ben 1x18).When the amp powers on, there appears to be more of a hum (both while in mute and in play). It's relatively subtle, and I had initially thought it may have been the internal fan causing interference. Typically, a gentle tap on the chassis clears the issue.

At a recent performance (a regular venue for my band - hard rock/party rock covers), the hum was a bit more prominent and was accompanied by a low intermittent crackle. I had replaced my speaker/instrument cables, figuring it was likely a bad external connection. The hum and crackle continued intermittently, at one point the amp briefly cut out completely. Once it came back on, there was a slight but noticeable drop in volume, almost as if a tube was in need of repair.

The amp made it through the performance and while the hum comes and goes, I have not been able to recreate the issue at home, playing at the same volume(s). Wondering if anyone else has had similar issues or if this just a matter of normal wear-and-tear worthy of putting on a pro's bench for investigation.

Thanks in advance for your input!

I would send Mesa customer service an email and see what they say. It may be out of warranty but they may have an idea what the issue is and direct you how it can be fixed if there is an internal issue.

It could be as simple as a bad ground on the power cable. Have you tried replacing that just to rule it out?
Hey, thanks for the reply. I did reach out to customer service. They suggested that I keep running tests as I have been to try to replicate the issue. So far, I have not really be able to replicate. Will definitely try replacing the power cable as you suggest. My gut is telling me this is likely just normal wear and tear; hopefully nothing too much of an issue. Worse case, I have to put it in the shop.