Thanks for the replays.
The chart and reply`s indicates that the might be worth a short, but i think that i would be better of getting a nicer pair of sylvania 416 STR`s first. and then see if mine where a littel tired, It seems that everyone likes them best in a c+, and besides that mine still managed to make the sound ALOT more powerfull then the mullards.
Now im still a newbi to the whole tube thing , but so far its been alot of fun , and much better sound, so this is one aspekt i wont settel for second best.
Now final questian, the 105 tranny puts more voltage on the plates then my amp,(not sure about the Bias) but have dos that really effect the tubes influence on the sound ? , will the sylvania`s sound more mellow in my amp, and more dynamic in C+ with the 105 , or is it just the tranny that handels the speaker differently ?