Mesa Solo 50 tone

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May 18, 2006
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I have a Mesa solo 50 head running into a B52 4/12 cab. Guitar is ESP Viper with Active EMG's. I am semi-happy with the distortion tones but something is missing. I have experimented with a Boss GT8 modelor but is what not what I was looking for. I liked solid state distortion sounds but in a live situation they sound thin and weak. I am basically just looking for a ripping high gain lead tone. The Randy Rhoads lead sound on the tribute album is the closest thing I can think of to describe what I want. I would like to somehow get close to this with the Mesa. Can anyone reccomend something? Please I beg of you!
I hate to say it but .. A new cab maybe? Are you pushing the Gain channel at all with a Overdrive? Sometimes backing off on the gain, and then pushing it with an OD will get you to the high ground .. cheap pedal that does a good job pushing is the Digitech Bad moneky 30$..

not sure the quality or speakers in the B-52, but are they not a step above Behringer?
Mesa's strength is not "ripping high gain lead", it's all about the tone...
You can get great lead sounds but if saturation and compression is your'll have to process it or practise more. 8)
BTW - Randy Rhoads rig:

His signal went from guitar to the following
Cry-baby Wah-wah
MXR Distortion +
MXR 10 band EQ
MXR Flanger
MXR Stereo Chorus - from there it was split into two
one side went to a Yamaha analogue delay
the other went to a Roland tape echo
then each to a seperate 100 watt Marshall stack

Hard to get that sound going straight into a Boogie.. :)

slash75 said:
I have a Mesa solo 50 head running into a B52 4/12 cab. Guitar is ESP Viper with Active EMG's. I am semi-happy with the distortion tones but something is missing. I have experimented with a Boss GT8 modelor but is what not what I was looking for. I liked solid state distortion sounds but in a live situation they sound thin and weak. I am basically just looking for a ripping high gain lead tone. The Randy Rhoads lead sound on the tribute album is the closest thing I can think of to describe what I want. I would like to somehow get close to this with the Mesa. Can anyone reccomend something? Please I beg of you!
I was thinking about a cab replacement. Right now I am just running straight into the amp. It just doesn't feel like I get enough sustain for lead parts. I do like alot of saturation and could always use more practice. So a new cab and overdrive then? Anything else? Looking for a nice saturated ryhtm/lead tone with as little FX as possible.
How much are you pushing the amp? If you're planning to get that tone in your bedroom, it's going to take some more work.

Try an overdrive pedal......

Have you tried using high output passive pups? Maybe the active tone is not for you?
At low volumes, I use an overdrive and sometimes a compressor and I can get all the sustain I need. Everything changes when the amp gets turned up. At master volumes above 9:00 I don't use any pedals. I also run EL34s in my solo 50. I like the lead tones better with the EL34s.

Speaker and cabs make a big difference with this amp. Try as many different combinations as you can.
A differant cab wont give you more gain, but it may/will give you better tone. You prolly know that.

I would look for a used Marshall with V30's, or a used Mesa with V30's. I have a Mesa Recto 2x12, and it keeps up with my Marshall 4x12.

Could look at Avatar cabs too, I have never owned one, but they are cheap, and I read good things about them.
Well, I just purchased the ESP and really really like it so I think I will try to find a used cab with a good set of speakers. I think the B52 might be part of the problem.
I think a Tubescreamer would do the trick. You don't even have to turn the gain up too high.

Have you tried the Vintage mode?

Mode: Vintage
Gain: 3:00
Bass: 10:00
Mids: 11:00
Treb: 12:00
Pres: 11:00

I have a lead clip on my site done with my Road King with the Vintage settings above. You should be able to get close to that. , it's under "Road King cips" and it's the top one called Road King Rock.
OK, I am stupid. I have to keep this amp at my friends during the week and only get to use it on weekends so I have not had much time to tweak. I had the master levels set very low and the output level cranked. I reversed that and this amp just grew some major balls.

Has anyone used a Peavey 5150 cabinet with this head? Would that be much of an upgrade over the B52? There is a used one for sale pretty close to me.