Mesa Road King combo making noise???

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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2006
Reaction score
San Benito, Texas
Hey everybody, I have a 2x12 Road King that i'm having a problem with. Everything seems to be working fine except, when I play in the clean mode on channel 1 after I let the cord ring out there is a slight buzzing sound that can be heard. Its not loud but there none the less. Do you think this could be a tube problem??? I just got the amp so I'm kinda stumped. :?
Maybe the guitar's action is a little low, the clean channel is allowing you to hear the buzz? If it is indeed in the amp, maybe one of the pre-amp tube covers are loose?
Hate to have to ask this, but..............

You sure it's not fret buzz from the particular chord your playing?

Dayum Jbird hit the submit quicker than I lol!!
I'm pretty sure it's not the action on the guitar. I've done several different chords in different positions and it does it on some chords but not others. I don't think its one of the covers to the preamp tubes either because the sound comes out of the speakers and plus they don't have covers. thanks for the suggestions. any more???

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