Mesa Recto Crisis

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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2006
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My 2002 dual recto gets enough power to turn on but once i hit the standby switch , so that the amps on, I get nothing. If I crank the volume I get this odd dist buzz inside the amp. It sounds like its coming from the black box (unknown name) inside and right by the tubes (v1). What could this be and is it repairable within reason?
The black box is the Output Transformer.

It sounds like a bad preamp tube.

Check all your connections for obvious faults and check each tube with the same new one....go one by one and track the bad one down.

Beyond that, you may have blown a power tube but check the pre's first.
DO NOT do that again! you may blow your output transformer which would mean a very dead amp and an expensive repair.
Elpelotero said:
DO NOT do that again! you may blow your output transformer which would mean a very dead amp and an expensive repair. that AGAIN and hope to blow the transformer then give me a PM and you'll hear how that amp was meant to sound after you get the new transformer. I live to blow transformers out on all my's a well justified modded job. :twisted:

Like it's been said already, check the pre-amp tubes are they lighting up?
Actually, it could be a shorted speaker cable or no cable plugged in at all. I once tried out a marshall head at a store that the speaker cable was shorted and I turned it up a bit and could start hearing the output transformer buzzing the chord I was playing. Does the buzz change with what you are playing?
timv said:
Actually, it could be a shorted speaker cable or no cable plugged in at all. I once tried out a marshall head at a store that the speaker cable was shorted and I turned it up a bit and could start hearing the output transformer buzzing the chord I was playing. Does the buzz change with what you are playing?

yeah thats what it was. thanx a lot
Jak0lantern01 said:
So what's this transformer mod and what does it do?

Mod/great tone virgin huh? Let's just say you're not turning it off after you mod it.

What does it do? Real cleans, meaty not fuzzy, clean tight gain not dirty of fizzy like Mesa is known for and the bottom end will be like a Soldanos..very tight. If you can play you'll love it but if you have **** chops it'll bring out all the **** your fingers have. (check out the mp3 clips)

I no longer play stock amps unless it's a Soldano or Diezel once you play a modded Marshall or any modded amp it's like eating a T-bone steak and going back to a cheap, greasy cheese burger.

Don't ever be afraid of blowing a transformer..that's for rookies or teenagers. :twisted:

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