Mesa Quad attacks again.

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Darth Bacelar

Well-known member
Feb 4, 2010
Reaction score
It's been ages since last time I posted something here, but still reading this forum frequently :)

Here's a song, Rise, which I always like from The Cult. Recorded with a 2x12 Rectifier cab, Mesa's 50/50 poweramp and Quad pre on Channel 1 all the time. The guitar is a LTD EC-Redburn; it's similar to a LTD EC1000.

The mics are Shure SM57 and AKG C3000B. It's sound pretty rough and "unfancy" IMO, but the idea was to get a raw and not post-processed sound from it, so no post EQ, compression or stuff like that. No bass recorded.

The original song was recorded on dropped D, but I recorded it on dropped C.

Enjoy! :) you can also check other stuff I recorded time ago in the same link.
**** that sounds badass, I think that might be the tone that I'm looking for.

I love my 2 ch Triple but this sounds ballsier.
Thanks! :) I had a Dual long time ago, and swaped for the Quad. I like both sounds, but I guess I'm more into Mark's sounding. But I would like to have again something related to the Recto family again.

Anyways, the quantity of bass that you can find on a Recto, it's a lot. You can reach something similar in the Quad, but at some points sounds like it's out of control and extreme. Perhaps rising the mids would help you with the ballsy stuff.