My 212 Maverick is a late serial number and is in great shape. I only acquired it within the last year, but it seems like it got very little use before that. It gets played loud with a band at least once a week and it sounds good, but there's a low buzz that plagues the clean channel and it's slowly driving me nuts. I would love any help people can provide, I am not very experienced with tube amps and I am near the end of my understanding. Here are the facts of the case:
The power tubes seem fine (though they are old). As per the manual, I pulled them one at a time and flipped off standby to see if it impacted the hum, it did not.
I have used the search on this and other forums, other people seem to have had similar problems, but the specifics of this one seem slightly different and it strikes me that someone with more tube amp knowledge could put these clues together in to a next step or two. Thanks so much for any help you can provide!
- The hum seems like 60 cycle hum, and it only occurs on the 'Rhythm' channel. The hum is low in tone and the pitch seems like an A#.
- The hum is completely unaffected by the amp's 'Volume' control (this is the equivalent to most amp's 'Gain' knob. Turning the gain up adds a hiss on top of the hum, but I would expect hiss from high gain and it seems normal. On the Lead channel, the hiss increases alongside gain, and while the hum is there it's much much fainter.
- The tone knobs do not affect the hum at all.
- The Reverb knob adds a different high frequency buzz on top of the low hum, but it's not that loud or disruptive. It seems unrelated, and while I'd like to fix it, right now it doesn't matter. The buzz added by the reverb is the same on both channels
- The master volume knob increases the volume of the hum, as does the final 'output' knob.
- The hum gets worse during the first 10 minutes or so the amp is running and then levels out once everything is up to temperature.
- (Edit) SS or tube rectifier does not impact the hum.
The power tubes seem fine (though they are old). As per the manual, I pulled them one at a time and flipped off standby to see if it impacted the hum, it did not.
I have used the search on this and other forums, other people seem to have had similar problems, but the specifics of this one seem slightly different and it strikes me that someone with more tube amp knowledge could put these clues together in to a next step or two. Thanks so much for any help you can provide!
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