Mesa MarkV / Saturation 'mod'

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Yes it is. I did not realize it was the 13th until after I got to work this morning. Jason is too big to fit in the crawl space under the house, and I am thankful I do not live on Elm street. Hopefully I can get the sewage line fixed or at least started. Need to pump out the area first so I can cut the PVC and fit a Y pipe there. Not looking forward to this.... not something I want to do but have too. The repair is simple but where I have to cut is under water and that is not full of rain water either. :roll: I did flush a gallon of bleach down the toilet last night. Did not use the bathroom except for a shower this morning. Office at work has nice bathrooms, so the plan is to get it repaired before I have to go again.

As for the mites, they will suffer their coming fate soon enough. Thankful they do not eat wood as fast as the cartoon critters. (or the Formosan termite is more like the cartoon but not what I am dealing with). Hopefully my home, amps and guitars will not be just dust in the wind.
Yeah, I chickened out on digging out the crawl space yesterday. Friday the 13th had nothing to do with it but the fire ants did. Those bastards nested around the entry point. Also the main supply is against the sewer pipe. may be hard not to cut into it. Tried to move it but could not. Dang it. I can't win here. Called a plumber and well, may be a trick to get this done as it will not happen before the exterminator comes in. Had to plan a means to make this happen. Will have to dig out behind the break and throw that powdered clay soil onto the wet spot. At least that will contain what ever it is in that standing water. :| Not afraid of the spiders all that much but the huge one I found would have been intimidating (it was dead thankfully) the black widow spiders are my concern. I really do not want to get bit by one of those ever again as that generally results in severe pain for 3 months. Also have to convince myself that I can to it. May take a few stress pills before I go in again. What a crappy weekend this is going to be.
Glad I made another trip to the hardware store for some PPE. Full chemical mask, protective goggles, rubber gloves and a small utility shovel, and an extremely bright head light as it is dark in that area. Next home I buy will have a full basement, not fond of working on my chest in a crawl space. All of the trees around the property definitely compounded the issue of digging out around the area needing repair (it is laced with tree roots, no wonder where the termites came from. Also turns out the entire area is a black widow spider nest. Need pesticide now. Do I smell a hijack on this thread or what. At least the Mark V does not sound like the odor present in the septic area. Almost done with the one repair. May have to go get a 22 degree pipe as it looks like that angle more so than the 45 I thought it was. Need to cut it out after I spray the spiders. Welcome to my nightmare. Just think I am saving some money as long as I do not wind up in the hospital. Need to shower off but have more to do. What a s****y job. I would rather be playing the guitar. When I am done that is what I will do. I will need that but after I clean up first.

As for the mods. I would do it. However, as the disclaimers are stated, if you never worked on doing such get a professional to do it for you. I have worked on high voltage circuits for over 23 or more now. Adding roach wires (jumpers) and such is easy compared to what project I am working on now. Need to go out and kill some spiders first.

Oh yeah, that mention of modifying the feedback circuit similar to what the Extreme mode does, not worth the effort. Just the IIC+ mods alone are worth the effort. Besides, you can always adjust the presence control on CH3 as needed.
Had to make several trips to the local hardware store, but got the job done despite the spiders coming out from under the pipes. They were not black widow spiders as I did not see any red triangles on the body. NC does have that spider in abundance though. I am sure I had just about every spider species living under my home. At least I did not get a spider bite but those dang fire ants at the crawlspace entry way was a challenge to get past. Spray did nothing to them. I should take the empty can back to the place I bought it with a box full of live bugs it would not kill and demand a refund. Hey, see this spider, it was swimming in the fluids from the can. All it did was piss it off. Oh well. I have no fear of spiders unless they bite me. Have also been covered in fire ants too from cutting the grass with a push mower.

What is bugging me even more, not having time to play the guitar. I am sure you all have been there.... I guess I can shut up now. Done with the hijack. You may have the thread back.
I would definitely say bad luck more then gremlins but I would not rule them out. Had to arrange the garage and clear everything out of the storage closets and move as much stuff into the center. I could not get the Mustang Cobra started so I had to push it out. Able to get it jump started though. Just a dead battery. However, while walking to the garbage can to throw some items out I tripped on a handle of an implement of destruction (stole that from Arlo Guthrie's song Alice's Restaurant) and landed on a garden whesel. For your reference:

Damn thing went through my shoe and into my foot. Now I have a stab wound. I am not sure if it hit the bone, but came close since I basically fell on it. WTF can go wrong now?

I will be hiring a priest to exorcise the Mark V. Next, my dog will be foaming at the mouth. I am good though as I already had rabies shots from the last dog attack 2 or 3 years ago. Actually that hurt like hell too but not as much as the garden weasel. Have to soak my foot again. Bummer. Not much guitar playing today. May have to fire up the JP-2C instead as it seems evertyime I play though the Mark V something happens, to me. Still sounds damn good though. Was playing for a while last night. I may try the Celestion Creme 90W Alnico speaker again (don't have to change anything as I recently loaded a pair of those in an RA100 combo.)
Recorded a few rhythm and lead tracks on a rap track.
AT7 V:25 to the rescue.... ported 1x12 cab. 3x 57'd up rhythm tracks, two close mic, 1 further out, different angle.
Two ambient lead tracks harmonising with each other for the ambient stuff too.

Settings used were 2x IIc+ (one center panned is distanced, one close, different gain settings and wattages)
And Mark IV and IIC+ close mic'd are left and right panned. Used slanted downwards left to right shape on the EQ for the lead tracks and used less gain. Garageband reverbs used in track.

Not safe for work maybe, lyrics etc

But here you go: (Edit)
Markageddon said:
Recorded a few rhythm and lead tracks on a rap track.
AT7 V:25 to the rescue.... ported 1x12 cab. 3x 57'd up rhythm tracks, two close mic, 1 further out, different angle.
Two ambient lead tracks harmonising with each other for the ambient stuff too.

Settings used were 2x IIc+ (one center panned is distanced, one close, different gain settings and wattages)
And Mark IV and IIC+ close mic'd are left and right panned. Used slanted downwards left to right shape on the EQ for the lead tracks and used less gain. Garageband reverbs used in track.

Not safe for work maybe, lyrics etc

But here you go:

I like it, reminds me of the early 90's crossover stuff. Cypress Hill and Bodycount era. Cool. Groovy.
bandit2013 said:
Wayno said:
Got my new soldering iron yesterday :twisted:
The iron works, I tested it :twisted:

That must have hurt. :roll: Next time use it something else.

And the end result is...... :?:

No accidents to report. Me and my Boogie are fine and dandy.

Boogies now sporting a 3k3 between the EQ coupling caps though. You knew I would sooner or later hey. Missus dragged me out shopping and nagged me into a weekend of DIY so not only did I miss most of the FA Cup semi final (my beloved spurs losing though :cry:), no time to crank the amp up either. Had a couple mins just quiet playing during the week after performing the surgery but was very late so only had it at talking volume. iiC+ mode is definitely a little beefier but I reckon the low end will be much more apparent when I get a chance to turn her up.

This is the last time I promise. :twisted: hmm C18 :twisted:
If you V is not super bright or brittle, leave it. At least it is not in a tight spot (like C39) so you can cut a leg but do not remove the entire cap, if that does not work for you, solder the leg back together. It is low current so a solder joint on the leg to patch it up is fine.

I find the amp to be bright even after C18 removal but much better than it was with it in place. I would wait and see how you like the other mod first before diving into removing parts. With amps, sometimes a little thing goes a long way.
Yeah gonna wait on the C18 thing. Think I'll be good to leave it alone as the AT7 mod pretty much cured any ice pick issues for me. I like the amp a little bright anyway and now it's not pointy bright I'm very happy. Gotta rehearsal with the band tomorrow so I will get to crank her up and see how much real effect the coupling cap job has had. Looking forward to that!!!
I think the removal of C18 does take away some of the edge. I was pondering if I went a bit overboard....... so I painfully removed the stubs of wire out of the respective holes with a hot iron and tweezers so I can install another cap. Had to settle on a 220pF cap as I did not have any 180pF. That has about the same effect tone wise. I am also considering the one other mod with jumper. I liked it with the 150 ohm resistor much better than the 15 ohm that is in there now. I may just remove the one side that is connected to the cap and see if the bass response improves. Sounds great when pushed but not sure the effect on extreme mode was desirable as I like that voice more than the IIC+ voice.

Best advice I can give to anyone, just try the 12AT7 and be done with it. Do not do the other mods as they will not transform the amp into a super JP-2C. The GEQ mod will remain though as I do like the slight change on Ch2. Need to find out how the amp sounds with the one jumper removed. If I like it without that mod, May just cut the lead that is soldered into the via vs removing it with a solder iron so I do not delaminate the board and lift the via pad off the board. I did enjoy the mods when I was running two speaker cabs with the amp. Sounded incredible with the vertical 212 cab but now I am using the amp with just the combo speaker and that got me thinking, did I go overboard with mods?

The 12AT7 is probably the best mod to make, no soldering or cutters required, do not even have to remove the chassis to do it.
Yeah its clearly designed to be able to accomodate that tube.

Simplest solution is invariably best. I think its mainly in the dialling/playing after that.
It is a learning experience when it comes to mods. Not something I want to do though. I have long dropped the idea I could turn the Mark V into a JP-2C killer. However with the IIC+ and GEQ mod it came very close. C18 was a bit overboard on my behalf. However when running two cabs though the 4 ohm taps it sounded really good. Amp gets much brighter on the 8 ohm tap with a single load. I would have to say prior to removal of C18, the Mark V was almost a dead ringer for the JP-2C character but with three flavors of punch to choose from when I had it hooked up to the Vertical 212 cab (same one I am using with the JP-2C). Dynamics are there too so there is some similarities. When it comes to the Power supply and OT that is where the differences are between the two (not to mention the position of the FX loop relative to the GEQ and that the GEQ is not the same as that used on the MKIV and earlier all the way to the IIC+ and I would assume the JP-2C has the same design as the original.) For some time, the TC-100 had been the focal point as it fits the style of music I play as well as my band mates when they come over. My gear does not travel with me to other places as I have a small practice amp for that. If I played gigs it would either be the JP-2C or the TC-100 or both. Mark V combo is a bit heavy to lug around, especially with an EV in it.
Practice went really well last night. Defo think C18 is gonna stay stock. iiC+ mode is nigh on perfect for me now through the vert 2x12. The more crunchy character compared to the iV modes smoothness is my thing for sure. At home messing around iV mode is great for lead playing but out live and up loud I just prefer the rougher iiC+ mode. Now it has the balls it was missing before, I love it. Seems a little more saturated than before too? I think that's maybe down to the extended frequency range from the pull deep mod filling out the sound and the coupling cap allowing it through. Definitely thicker sounding than before, perfect. Band mates all commented on how much better it sounded too.

One other thing I noticed too, on CH3 I always used to have to drop the 750Hz slider to at least half way between middle and bottom to get rid of the honkyness especially in iiC+ mode. Last night I ended up with a smile rather than a V on the EQ with the 750 slider dead centre. No honkyness, just crunch. Happy days indeed. Cuts through the bass and drums nicely without stepping on any toes either. Everyone's a winner!
APEMAN said:
hey everyone!
as I said before, I think there is one more easy thing that can be done. The ch3 treble and bass pot swap was a big win for my amp. It is so much easier to dial in the perfect amount of b m and t now. The sound became more open, feels like more headroom and definition in the gain character. It began when I measured the pot values. The bass pot with its 250k was fine but the treble with its 180k was far off so a simple swap was the cure here. If you feel confident with a soldering iron, give it a try! Cheers!

Definitely a worthwhile thing to check and will be sure to check mine the next time I have the chassis out. Probably won't be for a while now though as my V is fully rockin so gonna concentrate on improving technique for a bit.