tele_jas said:Just a little FYI..... If you get a 2 or 3 channel SR, DR or TR thats called a Solo head (most are, except the older ones), it'll have that solo boost your talking about so your soundman doesn't have to bump you up for your leads.
Check Ebay for good deals, but look at the sellers feedback.
I think you're dead on there for what I want. I also see from your post that you've got a Tonelab. How do you like it? That's something else I want to look into. I used to have a ZOOM GFX-8 and gigged with it every week, but it just couldn't take the abuse and I wanted to get back to that organic sound anyway.
Now I'm starting to look in that direction once again (not in ZOOM's direction, though) since the convenience of an all-in-one processor is looking more appealing than lugging my Marshall and way-too-big pedal board (or future DR and still-way-too-big pedal board) to church every time I turn around.
I'm interested in whatever insight/criticism you want to offer.