Mesa DC-5 Issue

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Mar 15, 2008
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Hey there,

Since I'm new here, I'll introduce myself first. My name is Geert, 20 years old, student in Holland. I've been into music for as long as I recall and have always geared more towards 'heavy' music. Now Mesa's have been helping me achieve the tone I wanted quite a bit. Prior to the DC-5 I've owned a Studio Preamp, but I preferred a tube-combo for practical reasons. I've only had the DC-5 for about 2 weeks now.

I bought it second handed from a somewhat older guitar player, it worked just fine when I bought it. Everything in proper order and asked when tubes had been replaced, answer was almost a year ago. I still took it cause it was a good price concering how it's not really easy to find one for a good price here.

Had a hell of a time with it so far, tough to find the perfect tone but I'm sticking with it, it's a Mesa anyways. But a few days ago I suddenly heard some buzzing while playing on the clean channel. I immediately put it on stand-by and turned the power off as I didn't want to have any risks and asked a friend what the problem might be. The weird thing with this buzz is that it doesn't occur when I don't actually play but the amp is on, just only when I actually strike strings. Also, when the amp has just been turned on, the buzz doesn't occur. I'd say about 7-10 minutes in it starts happening. The buzz is a bit hard to describe for me, it's not very loud but certainly noticeable and makes recording a bit shitty, I guess it's a somewhat distorted buzz.

Now I'm not totally sure because its hard to find out whether it's buzzing or not when I have the lead channel on, but I believe that the buzz is also occurring on lead (again I might be wrong, it's hard to distinguish this for me). I checked the tubes when the amb was in stand-by, the power tubes look fine and sound fine if I tick lightly on them, the pre-amp tubes look fine although V4 and V5 look like they're burning less than the rest. Ticking against the pre-amp tubes yielded no spectacular events, in other words, nothing strange happened. I've tried swapping V1 and V2 but there was no change in the buzz's volume or occurrence. Also, turning down the gain has no effect on the buzz, just the volume of it (but that's with anything that effects the volume, whether it be the channel master or my guitars volume pot).

Now I'm asking for some help, would anyone know what might be wrong with my amp? Is it tube related or do I have to search elsewhere? Any advice would really be greatly appreciated as I don't have the budget to bring this to a professional tech.

Cheers in advance.

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