mesa bought by guitar center?

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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2007
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was just browsing on ebay and came across this auction:

i thought it was a little weird about the part where they said "before mesa was bought out by guitar center" or something like that.

did i miss something here? i thought there was some sort of deal with gibson and guitar center. hadn't heard anything about mesa. any info?
hey also says
"Back then they were built 100% by hand, much better product then any of the new ones."

this guy is obviouly on crack.

if anything, GC is close to losing Mesa....i heard they already lost the bass line or something like that
that's what i had thought too. (about GC losing mesa)

i forgot to mention the hand made part in my original post. lol.
abecon5 said:
if anything, GC is close to losing Mesa....

I would agree with your statement. A year ago I talked with the Boogie rep about ordering a custom hardwood cabinet. He basically said I would be better off ordering it through a small, local dealer rather than the local GC. He didn't seem too thrilled with GC and their level of customer service.
As far as I know that it's true about the bass line, an ex-employee was looking for a new bass rig at my local GC and he asked one of the managers about the mesa because he wanted to order one and he told him that they did not carry this year the bass line and can't even special order...
For me, I am delighted that I have a store with people that are mature and knowledgeable about the product. The times that I go to GC for anything I always cringe at sales people putting "Dude" in most of their sentences and barely know anything about the product.

If I were Mesa, as tempting as it is to have GC's customer numbers, I would get a divorce and woo some local dealers who likely have a smaller number of loyal customers who appreciate personal and prefessional service. They'll likely sell more product. a matter of fact I do know that I just illustrated that I am headed towards geezerdom!
I think the big box retail music stores definitely have their place, but your definitely not going to get the most personal buying experience when they're swamped on a Saturday afternoon.

That said, a lot of small Mom-and-Pop shops (including some that sell Mesa) I've been to are just really snobby about what they carry and not thrilled about letting you try stuff unless you're going to buy. I like that GC encourages you to try (and turn up!) before you buy.

Being from the King of Prussia, PA area, all we had up until a few years ago was Scam Cash. I felt they really started going down hill with their product selection and customer service. Since GC came to town, they've been miles ahead of them.

To each their own, I guess.
Mountain Fever said:
For me, I am delighted that I have a store with people that are mature and knowledgeable about the product. The times that I go to GC for anything I always cringe at sales people putting "Dude" in most of their sentences and barely know anything about the product.

If I were Mesa, as tempting as it is to have GC's customer numbers, I would get a divorce and woo some local dealers who likely have a smaller number of loyal customers who appreciate personal and prefessional service. They'll likely sell more product. a matter of fact I do know that I just illustrated that I am headed towards geezerdom!

I have a great store that carries Mesa Boogie and their people are top notch. When I was trying to make up my mind on which Mesa amp I wanted, they delivered the LSS 112 and LSC 212 to my house and said call them when I make up my mind on which one I wanted. I went with the LSS and told them it was a shame they didn't have a LSS 410 to try. The next day the owner called me and said a LSS 410 was on the way.
When they received the LSS 410 (about 5 days later) they brought it to my house for a side by side comparison with the 112. I kept the LSS 410 and couldn't be happier. I've never had a music store do what these guys did. Their fantastic.
I hate the stupidity of GC reps...I could rant about them for days. My most recent incident was debating with a GC rep for 10 minutes who swore up and down to me that "Monster must only make the Rock Series in 21 ft cables."
Silverwulf said:
I hate the stupidity of GC reps...I could rant about them for days. My most recent incident was debating with a GC rep for 10 minutes who swore up and down to me that "Monster must only make the Rock Series in 21 ft cables."

Annoying, no doubt. But why would an "argument" like that last for 10 min? :shock: I would think it's 2 min tops, then you're done. I can't see what the extra 8 min would get ya, except for aggravated. :)

I had a case once where the sales guy tried to argue about the rectifier tube in my LSS. Let that one go for 30s, then just went over and grabbed the mesa product catalog. I turned to the tube sheet, pointed to the right tube, which of course said "LSS" and said, "get me one of those please." Then waited for 10 min as the guy combed through tubes. They showed them in stock, but of course the inventory was in a state of mild disarray. But I got my tube and off I went. :)
I once had a GC rep tell me that I could not install tubes myself with biasing my DR. I thanked him kindly for his misinformed advice but he just would not let it go ! I seriously think he was about to refuse to sell me tubes for fear I would screw up the amp. I finally told the guy to sell my the **** tubes and go do some homework. I also emailed the incident to CG and never got a reply which was fine with me.
GC...... Full of the "musicians" (I use the word lightly) that think they know instruments. I had the same experience with one of their employees telling me that I didn't know how to retube my mesa and said I would likely ruin it.... I guess the years I've been playing and taking care of my tube amps and guitars are nothing compared to his 2 week training course...
simonich said:
Annoying, no doubt. But why would an "argument" like that last for 10 min? :shock: I would think it's 2 min tops, then you're done. I can't see what the extra 8 min would get ya, except for aggravated. :)

By that time, I was just out to prove my point...haha... 8)

stompboxfreak72 said:
I once had a GC rep tell me that I could not install tubes myself with biasing my DR. I thanked him kindly for his misinformed advice but he just would not let it go ! I seriously think he was about to refuse to sell me tubes for fear I would screw up the amp.

That's awesome...I can do one better. At the GC in Fairfax VA, I was picking up some preamp tubes to try out in my Dual Rec back when I was trying everything under the sun. I wanted to buy some Groove Tubes, and the rep asked me what amp it was for. After I told him it was for my Dual Rec, he literally told lie...about some Groove Tubes 12AX7's..."You can't put those in a Dual Rectifier. Mesa builds their amps so that you can only use Mesa tubes in it"... :shock:
Seems to me, except where Guitar Center is the only option to purchase Mesa Boogie locally, that GC and Mesa don't target the same customer. Mesa Boogies are a high-end product, GC focuses on volume of cheaper products. Maybe its a partnership of convenience.

When I've ordered Mesa products I've always driven about 25 minutes to a smaller dealer (though very busy) in the town over because their sales people are excellent versus an old (but new to Mesa) local dealer and a local GC.
Guitar Center usually will beat anyones prices if given the opportunity. This is where they probably don't care for Mesa since EVERYONE! sells the Mesa Amps at the same price. Mesa will pull their amps from anyone who discounts their amps. What GC will do when dealing on a Mesa Amp is, throw in some extra stuff with the deal.

By the way, I thought it was illegal to demand fixed prices to their dealers like Mesa does. There use to be a lot of company's that use to do this until the Feds stepped in and stopped it. I don't know how they get away with it. Anyone know?
I once had a GC salesman tell me that there were no rectifier tubes in a Triple Rectifier! :lol:
as to Resonator, i think it is probably something in the dealership contract. i know i learned about it in business law in college, but i can't remember why exactly they can do it.
Mesa has not been purchased by GC, nor will it be. Same with Gibson (those rumors have persisted for years).

I am a GC store manager, so you can address all of your flames and hate to me and I will try to address your problems/issues and help you out as best I can.

Just as in any industry, you have good employees and bad employees. You have good stores and you have bad stores. You have long-term people with tons of knowledge and you have newer people who think they know what's up but really have only gained their knowledge from internet boards and haven't yet had the experience to know the truth versus their opinion (Mark IV's are better than Recto's, Recto's suck for leads, the ACE is the best amp EVER!!!). I bet most of you deal with this stuff at your jobs everyday and I've read some stuff on here that my newest guy would NEVER EVER say to a customer.

I know there are some terrible GC's out there. I used to be a product trainer and have seen them first hand. Most, however, are great. What you all need to do is remember that the music biz is all about relationship building. Find a guy at GC that you like and trust and work only with that person. You will be surprised how well they will take care of you. Keep in mind that if you treat the salesperson like **** and try to beat them up for free stuff and discounts, they will instantly hate you as much as you hate them and will cease to impress you with their "service." It works both ways, people.

New people who are used to dealing with vintage tube amps and most newer amps will not realize that Mesa's are fixed bias until they go through their first Mesa training (you're lucky if you see your rep twice a year). Until then, take their misinformation for what it most likely is, a lack of education and training, and understand that to them, they are trying to make sure you don't hurt your amp.

I have been to Petaluma several times. I've been to Fender US in Corona and Fender Mexico in Ensenada. I've been to Gibson Nashville and Montana, PRS in Maryland, Martin in Pennsylvania, Taylor in El Cajon, Soldano in Seattle, and many others. I've been to many, many NAMM shows. One can't know and recall every single thing they've ever seen in these places.

Here's another thing. Stop beating the crap out of the guy working the floor for a discount. All you're doing is taking money out of his commission check and he's going to quit pretty soon because he keeps discounting away his rent money and can't afford to work at GC anymore. Then you'll get to deal with yet another new guy who doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. Let these guys earn their living, learn what they're talking about, and give them a chance to really take care of you. There will always be guys that suck, at GC and elsewhere. Let's do what we can to not deal with them and deal with the great people. Give the noobs a chance to figure it out and if you have such a great wealth of knowledge, share it with them. I've learned a ton from my customers over the years. I'll tell you what... I didn't know everything my first day on the job and I bet you didn't either.

Let the hatin' begin', because I'm sure I'm the least popular guy on here about now.
I applaud you for coming on the board!!! and Welcome!!!
I agree that with all chains there are the good and the bad, and there are a few decent employees at the GC's I've been to, but the majority of my experiences have been with kids that don't really know anything. There is one manager at my local GC who is the only person there I'd even consider talking to or buying from when I go in there, but I don't care to plan my purchasing around anyone's schedule but my own. You sound like the kind of guy I want working at my local GC, and I've been in bands with a lot of former GC employees who knew their stuff, but they left for a reason. Once again welcome :D
GCMgr said:
New people who are used to dealing with vintage tube amps and most newer amps will not realize that Mesa's are fixed bias until they go through their first Mesa training (you're lucky if you see your rep twice a year). Until then, take their misinformation for what it is, misinformation, and understand that to them, they are trying to make sure you don't hurt your amp.

"Take their misinformation for what it is, misinformation..." I personally find that comment, by a self proclaimed manager none-the-less, exceptionally disturbing. Asking any paying customer to accept misinformation is ridiculous. While some customers like people on this board may understand that Mesa's have a fixed bias, Random Customer X might not, and he's going to take what that rep says at face value because he assumes the rep has knowledge of the product. Then he goes home with an erroneous assumption that isn't true, and you're actually asking him to accept that?

I'm sorry, but that is the a ridiculous thing to ask of someone, and I'm not sure how you can in good faith even suggest it. If you're not sure, or you haven't been properly educated on a product, then you say exactly that..."I don't know for sure, but I can find someone here who does know the answer." Then you ASK. You don't make up answers, you don't give assumptions, and you definitely shouldn't be giving new employees slack who decide to make up their own answers to products instead of asking someone who knows more to learn.

GCMgr said:
Here's another thing. Stop beating the crap out of the guy working the floor for a discount. All you're doing is taking money out of his commission check and he's going to quit pretty soon because he keeps discounting away his rent money and can't afford to work at GC anymore.

If I'm going to buy something, I know exactly by that point what I should be paying for it. If I'm being charged more, I'm not going to harass anyone. I'm going to tell you that I'm paying "X" for it, or I'm buying it elsewhere. Simple as that. It's not a negotiation, it is what it is.

GCMgr said:
I didn't know everything my first day on the job and I bet you didn't either.

Of course not, but when I wasn't 100% sure, as stated above, I asked instead of fumbling through questions or making up my own answers. Maybe next time you go to the pharmacist to pick up a prescription, the new guy will make up his own assumption about what you can and can't do while on the meds based on something he read on the internet forum 6 months ago. But hey, he's should just accept his misinformation for what it is until he knows better and is trained, right? No need for him to ask someone more experienced... :wink:

GCMgr said:
Let the hatin' begin', because I'm sure I'm the least popular guy on here about now.

No one is going to "hate" on you. But I wouldn't ask anyone to accept misinformation just because someone is new... 8) Anyway, welcome to the board!

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