Mesa Boogie Triple Rec help.

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New member
Feb 10, 2006
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Helena Montana
I am a new member to the mesa family with my recent purchase of the three channel triple rectifier head with an accompanying rectifier 2x12 cab. now this thing really rocks and i absolutely love it but i was hoping for some advice on my main distortion tone.

how do i keep my nice heavy, tight distortion but add in some clarity? the distortions got the balls but its hard to distinguish different chords and whatnot.

ive got my boogie set to the silicon diode rectifier, the power switch set to bold, and channel 3 on modern. now what should i put my settings at?

basically im looking for that punk rock/hard rock/metal type of sound that i hear on so many albums nowadays.

thanks a ton!
Run your gain around 1-2o'clock, other things can be personal but: Presence=9:30, Bass=12 o'clock, Mid=10:30, Treb=1:30. I prefer to bypass the F/X Loop and use just your channel masters until you dial in the tone.