Mesa Boogie Rocket 44

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The more I play with my amp the more I learn about the different sounds I can get out of it. I learned the first week I had my rocket that my tone could go from just plain awful to awesome. My G& L Legacy allows me to adjust the treble and bass so I mainly use my guitar to make subtle adjustments depending on the songs I am playing. I did notice in the manual that the mid knob also has an affect on the level of distortion in each channel. I have been playing unplugged for the past few weeks due to playing later in the evening. I will have time to play with my amp some more over the weekend.

Here is an idea, How about we set up a thread to compare and discuss our settings on the rocket 44 as well as the guitars we are using? Since we are a select few proud owners of this little monster then maybe we can exchange ideas on settings.

Let me know and I will start a thread like that or if any of you want to go ahead and start a thread then that is cool too, Just kindly send me a pm so I can follow and participate in that thread as well.
I'll talk to an expert of amps and return. thank you

wildschwein said:
rvalentin said:
Thank you, but when I use the Contour I get less low end yet. I think I have a problem with the amp.

Yeah some mids are taken out so it can sound kind of thinner than the regular OD mode but it should sound chunky with the gain up on 6 or higher. Download the manual and look at the tube task sheet -- you might have an anaemic preamp tube in the slot that is providing the dirt.

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