Mesa Boogie Lonestar Classic Owners ? ? ?

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Well-known member
Dec 17, 2006
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Northern Virginia
I picked up the 50/100 watt version and did a side-by-side comparison with my blackfaced Fender Twin Reverb. While the Twin has a "in your face" sound, the Lonestar seems to have an almost "surround sound" effect. Anyone else found this to be the case?
As I recall, twins used to hurt my ears with ice-pick effect. LS's don't reach that threshold.
plan-x said:
As I recall, twins used to hurt my ears with ice-pick effect. LS's don't reach that threshold.

Mine sure did/does, on both channels. Was just using 2x12 8 ohm cab...1st at 100 watt setting then down to 50 watt setting.
Was being overdriven by a Line 6 modeling guitar and pedalboard (not sure which model though)
I had the same reaction. I would describe the Lonestar's clean as a Twin that grew up.
Yeah I put the KT-77's in too. I love them, I think they're great, but I came from mesa 6l6's so its not really fair to compare them to JJ's KT's. However, they tightened up my sound, they added upper mids, so they are really much clearer sounding and the bass while still vintage and saggy is much tighter sounding, it really sounds more fenderish to me than with the 6l6's. I'm sure people will disagree with that, but those we're my findings, the KT's didnt sound marshally at all to me, could just be the room, the preamp tubes, anything really, but they make the amp sound more fenderish to me without brightening it up and making harsh, I like them more than the 6l6's in this amp. Im going to try them in my stiletto too. Im hoping to pick up a lonestar special as well, and an M9 or 400+ with a 6x10 for my bass. I've got a spector that needs work. Anyways, off topic.

For anyone on the line about trying KT-77's, they were worth the money to me, made a good improvement in my amp, I recommend them to any lonestar user.

~ PilotSSW
The vast majority of pig owners around here use 6L6's. Some have tried other valves, but usually come back. That's the way it was designed, to be big as Texas & bold with authority.
Three improvements I've made:

1: Did the Reeder pot swap mod
2: Purchased 6L6s from Bob at Eurotubes
3: Most important.....I tried the Vintage 30 speakers in my Twin. That little move brought the house down. So, I bought one V30 and one G12H30. They will be installed very soon.

Fender Twins WILL hurt you unless you immediately have it BlackFaced. Much warmer in Nature.

I just don't understand how anyone can enjoy the Black Shadows. They are very distant sounding and not up front. Once I tried the V30s, this amp came to life. Now sounds as good if not better than my blackfaced Fender Twin Reverb.

I've played and tone hunted for over 30 years. I'm not new to this. This amp should have come "stock" with the V30s or at least the G12H30.
Yeah, JJ's help, the mods help, and speakers do wonders. I play 3 piece and love the dark side of the C-90's, cuz I don't need to cut the mix. But like any guitar player seeking a better tone I currently mix a weber silver bell with the C-90. My V-30 didn't do it for me. I actually like the Mojotone V-30(BVM something) better. That speaker sounds great and I mix that with a weber blue dog on my ext cabs. I find mixing speakers in seperate ext cabs really lets them breathe their voicing.
plan-x said:
The vast majority of pig owners around here use 6L6's. Some have tried other valves, but usually come back. That's the way it was designed, to be big as Texas & bold with authority.

I just did...from E34Ls. Someone else mentioned JJ tubes vs. mesa tubes. There's a BIG difference. Mesa tubes have a saggy, loose low end that is hard to deal with. JJs are much tighter, fuller and complex. I also seem to get that great "woody" tone with JJ tubes.

KT77s? Contemplated trying them, but I changed back from the E34Ls because there seemed to be way to much upper mids and low end that I couldn't dial out. The KTs just seemed like more of the same, but maybe other are going for that. One factor could be the guitar as well. I mostly have Les Pauls or other mahagony/maple top bucker or P90 guitars. A single coil player may be in heaven with KTs or EL34ish tubes. Anyone else?


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