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Jan 27, 2010
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Hi. I have a loop bypass issue on my dual rectifier head. When I use the loop bypass the amp goes crazy. I mean, everything works almost as it should, except for the red channel which sound is intermittent when I move the volume knob. That is not a big deal because it is just at low volume (when I am moving the knob from 7 o'clock to 8 ). The issue comes up when I try to go back to "solo" and "output". They just don't work at all and any of the channel's master volumes work. They are kinda blocked. Also, when I turn the "output" knob more than 12 o'clock, the sound comes out clean (in red channel and at low volume). That's just crazy. You can hear the tone and the amp's distortion (before noon). I mean, it's there, but it is just blocked (I have to leave the fx loop know set on "footswitch", though). This time is like the 4th or 5th time that happens (because someone turn the loop bypass knob).

If any of you guys can help me with this would be appreciated. Thanks.

PS: just in case I have tried several sets of new tubes (preamp, power and rectifier) and can't be the tubes.
Hey, something similar happened to my roadster 2 weeks after i bought it. I tried to troubleshoot it with changing every power tube and pre-amp tube per mesa (what a pain in the ***). in the end it didn't work and mesa had me take it to the authorized dealer. i don't know if yours is still warranted but that's the only way mine got fixed
Hey, thanks for the reply. My amp hasn't gotten better. I guess it will take a few more days for the amp to go back to what it was. Anyway, did you find out what it was? Can you find that out? I want to figure what it is before taking it to an amp tech. The thing is that I am not located in any of the countries that have a mesa boogie authorized dealer or repair center, but the techs over here are fine. I just want to go straight to the problem. Let me know if you find out any other info (mesa boogie guys are pretty reserved to their online responses eventhough they know this kind of problems perfectly). Thanks again.
the tech told me that he there was a loss in signal in the effects loop and he couldn't figure out why than fixed itself, and he wasn't able to make it fail again.

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