Mesa 2x12 Recto cab!

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Well-known member
Dec 24, 2005
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The Netherlands

I just ordered a Mesa Recto 2x12 cab with v30's in it.
Although I never heard it and never seen it in life I ordered it. Recently bought a new car and my marshall 1960A cabs doesnt fit in it.

I know its studip to buy something that you never heard but the conditions where great! I traded my Marshall cab for it and got more then I should have get when I would have sold it.

Do you guy know how it sounds? I'm plqanning on using it with a Mark IV and my Triaxis wich I bought only testerday!!! :)

what are your opinions on the Mesa Recto 2x12 cabs???
I own one.

It's very bassy/thumpy and not very tight. This can be trained with proper EQ settings and good palm muting techniques. It is possible to get good tones out of it but like I said your technique makes all the difference.
I too thought it was on the dark side with my Triaxis / Simul 2:90. Raising it off the floor or putting it vertical helps. I suspect that making it half open would restore the treble, although that might make it too bright.

I have both backs with mine, and I'm still not sure which one I like better. The closed back gives it more thump, but the cab sounds very 'focused' like that.

I have been using a 4x12 for the last 2 years, and I have trouble going back to the 2x12.
All I can say is when you get it take the grill off!!! Mine had this terrible buzz. Look what I found. Only half the center cap was glued. hard to believe it got past both Celestian and Mesa QC. Any doubts about Chinese quality.


brianf said:
All I can say is when you get it take the grill off!!! Mine had this terrible buzz. Look what I found. Only half the center cap was glued. hard to believe it got past both Celestian and Mesa QC. Any doubts about Chinese quality.


Was it hard to remove the grill?

Was it hard to remove the grill?[/quote]

Not hard at all but you have to take the back off. The grill is screwed in from the inside of the cab.

I have one.


Only had it about a few weeks now, so unfortunately I haven't had much of a chance to "blast it" and see how it goes. But from bedroom/house levels and basic band practice stuff, I'd say it is pretty bassy. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean you shouldn't get it. Really, the solution is easy, roll back the bass knob on the amp.

Prior to this cab, I'd run my bass knob around 2:00 or so average, and I liked the sound (bassy, punchy, but not flabby). Hooked up the 2x12 and the bass was just overwhelming. I run my bass knob lower (anywhere from 9:00 to 12:00 depending on the application), and the sound I get is just as punchy & bassy without being flabby as when I use to run it around 1:00 to 4:00.

Just take some time with your EQ. It's a bassy cab that really puts some emphasis on the bass, so just roll back the bass from the amp side; the emphasis of the bass on the cab will compensate it back.
Thanks for the reply's!

Great to hear all this.!

When the 2x12 is very bassy i can use very sprankling and transparent tubes wich will make a nicer high gainb sound without loosing ump, bass and Tone!!!

thanks for the picture to!
Nocki said:
Thanks for the reply's!

Great to here all this.!

When the 2x12 is very bassy i can use very sprankling and transparent tubes wich will make a nicer high gainb sound without loosing ump, bass and Tone!!!

tanx for the picture to!

Here's a pic with an amp head on it for reference:

I have a recto 2x12 and have used it in MANY different settings with different heads. I haven't had this "boomy bass" you all speak of at all. Mine is very tight....very focused....gut punching bass.......glassy high's...GREAT mids no matter what the setting. My buddy has a Mesa 4x12 Standard straight cab(angled baffle) and my 2x12 blows his 4x12 out of the water...hard to believe i know...that's what we thought....and we're 100% tone nerds(within reason) That cab is a cannon and i abolutely love it....but I do want an angled 4x12 to sit on top of it!!!!!!!!!:)
LOOPJUNKIE, that's absofreakinlutely beautiful! I love that!

brianf, I bought mine used a few years back, the seller had both backs, so I have no idea if both are available. They seem to usually come with the closed back though.
They all come wired in mono (8ohm).

I talked to an amp technician a couple weeks ago (around the time I got mine), and he said he could wire it up stereo for $40. So it CAN be wired for stereo if you wanted; just find someone who can do it or you can learn how (I don't trust myself to do it properly, lol).
Baba said:
brianf, I bought mine used a few years back, the seller had both backs, so I have no idea if both are available. They seem to usually come with the closed back though.

I think they only come closed now. I'm just going to make a 1/2 back. Should be very easy.


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