Mesa 2x12 combo, or head + 2x12 cab. Which makes sense?

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Feb 10, 2006
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Getting ready to buy a Lone Star...Mesa 2x12 combo or head + 2x12 cab. Which makes the most sense ? from a versatility, weight, perspective,,,etc ? I also thought it would enable me to make a better ? speaker selection ? Oh ye Gods of the Internet Boogie Board, what say ye ?
The combos weigh a ton, but it's only one lift, as opposed to two with a head and cabinet. The head/cab rig also takes up more space in the car, but it's a bit easier to change speakers - just plug into a new cab. For convenience, I went for a 212 combo when I got my Road King, and have lost no tone against a 212 cabinet. When I want to scare people, I just add a couple of 212 cabs to the rig and I'm Freddie Kruger. :D
If you feel that you may want to play around with speakers, you can change speakers in a cabinet or a combo with equal ease. If you want to play with cabinets, then your choice is an obvious one. Go piggyback.

Hope I helped, or at least creatively wasted some time. :)
I would say head and 2 1x12 cabs, that way for smaller gigs you just bring 1 cab and bigger you can bring both. That's what I do with my Mark IV and I never need more than the head and my Thiele, and if I do they better put a mic on it, I run it at 1.5 with my band and I'm heard above everyone else!!
Head and 2 x 12 cab.

Less weight, more flexibility.

You can have dozens of heads to play thru the 2 x 12
As you might expect the answers will probably be all over the place depending on what each of us perceives to be the biggest benefit.

I like the idea of a 1X12 combo which is manageable weightwise and allows me to use an amp stand to get if off the floor and pointed towards my ears. This comes at a cost of $100 in addition to the weight compared to the head. If I feel I need more air moving I can consider all of the speaker options which compliment the 1X12 I already have.
Go try to pick up a 2x12 combo. Then you will realize you want a head and cab option. I couldn't stand the weight of my EVM loaded Mark IV 1x12 short combo. I guess I had heads and cabs too long to bother with the boat anchor weight of a combo. I would much rather make 2 trips if necessary. You will also not be stuck taking a combo and extension cabs should you need more than 2- 12's. Combo's can be nice if you never have to move them for convenience but you will never get the tight bottom of a sealed cabinet or the deep bottom of a ported cabinet either out of you open back combo.