Mesa 2:90 or 2:100

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agent cooper

Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
I posted this over on the John Petrucci forum, but Pauly suggested this would be a good place to dig for info (and I agree!)

I have done some searching, but haven't really gotten enough data to make a decision I think.
I had posted this:

Hi guys,
I had my 2:90 stolen the other week (amongst other things) and should be getting the replacement value from insurance before too long.
It appears that the 2:90 and 2:100 are going for pretty much the same price new.

I loved my 2:90, although I didn't use the modes all that often. I see that the 2:100 only has a 'modern' mode voicing, but can use both 6L6s and EL34's.

Any suggestions as to which would be a better replacement option?

Now, I also see that the 2:90 has the simulclass which has a different sound than the 2:100. How different is the mix of class A and class A/B?

I do like the thought that the 2:100 is more agressive sounding, especially for a lot of the stuff that I play, but is it too much of the same perhaps?

Any suggestions or thoughts?

I'll add my 2 cents, even though others are probably more qualified to answer...

I've been using the 2:100 with the Triaxis for quite some time now. The 2:100 was purchased as a mate to my Recto Recording Pre. When I got the Triaxis a little later, I couldn't justify spending a bunch of money for it's 2:90 mate.

I went on different forums (including the Petrucci forum) and asked pretty much the same question you did.

Just about everyone who chimed in said that I wasn't really missing anything by having a 2:100 instead of a 2:90. Some people said that they even preferred the 2:100 to the 2:90. Many have said that the Deep, Modern, Half modes are noisy and people barely use them.

For my personal use, I find the sound of the 2:100 amazing, with tons of Fender Twin style headroom when using clean tones along with thick-full distorted tones. The modern mode on the 2:100 sounds great the few times I've used it. I typically find everything I need in the Triaxis without using any of the modes... I usually tap the Recto Pre if I need something face melting.
Thanks for the great reply.

I think what you mention makes a lot of sense. I do like the fact that the 2:100 can use both 6L6's or EL34's, and could be more agressive as well.

Now I just have to see what kind of insurance settlement I get!
I have a Recto Preamp, I was using it with a Marshall 9200, the 9200 was giving me some grief so I borrowed my step-son's Mesa 2:50. It was much louder but similiar to the 9200. I decided to purchase a new amp first I called Mesa and asked about the 2:90 and the 2:100, the person I spoke to told me that I would prefer the 2:100, that it just sounded "more". So I took my rig to the local L&M music store and sat myself in a sound room for several hours with a 2:90 and a Recto 2:100.
The Mesa dude was right on the money, the 2:90 paled in comparison to the 2:100. The Modern mode on the 2:100 is wicked, the cleans are amazing in the regular mode...the amp is just kickass.

samhill said:
I have a Recto Preamp, I was using it with a Marshall 9200, the 9200 was giving me some grief so I borrowed my step-son's Mesa 2:50. It was much louder but similiar to the 9200. I decided to purchase a new amp first I called Mesa and asked about the 2:90 and the 2:100, the person I spoke to told me that I would prefer the 2:100, that it just sounded "more". So I took my rig to the local L&M music store and sat myself in a sound room for several hours with a 2:90 and a Recto 2:100.
The Mesa dude was right on the money, the 2:90 paled in comparison to the 2:100. The Modern mode on the 2:100 is wicked, the cleans are amazing in the regular mode...the amp is just kickass.


Thanks Mark,
perhaps I can do that myself. WHich L&M had both, I called around but it seemed that the locat to toronto ones only had the 2:100.
I do appreciate the comments.
Ottawa had both when I purchased, I was in there last night before our Ottawa EX gig and I thought I saw a 2:90 and a 2:100 in a rack with a Triaxis and a Recto Pre at the front of the store.

samhill said:
Ottawa had both when I purchased, I was in there last night before our Ottawa EX gig and I thought I saw a 2:90 and a 2:100 in a rack with a Triaxis and a Recto Pre at the front of the store.


Hmmmm... Well, I won't be in Ottawa soon, but will keep looking, thanks
agent cooper said:
samhill said:
Ottawa had both when I purchased, I was in there last night before our Ottawa EX gig and I thought I saw a 2:90 and a 2:100 in a rack with a Triaxis and a Recto Pre at the front of the store.


Hmmmm... Well, I won't be in Ottawa soon, but will keep looking, thanks

The 2:100 will blow you away!!!!!

Now, how would this 2:100 compare to VHT2502? The VHT2502 that I'm using has modern voicing also.

Any thought?
JLagoon said:
Now, how would this 2:100 compare to VHT2502? The VHT2502 that I'm using has modern voicing also.

Any thought?
A friend of mine had a 2502 and we compared it to my 2:90. The 2:90 really sounded quite a bit better. More thump, obviously more headroom as well. I don't think the moder on the VHT sounded the same as teh modern on the Mesa.

I would think that the difference would be much more obvious with the 2:100

The most reviews on HC on VHT2502 indicate that it has more clarity than the 2:90 in general. How true do you find this to be? I have never tried a 2:90 with my TriAxis before, and I'm using EL34L and KT77 in my 2502.

The 2:100 has tube rectifier, right?

i use the deep and modern switches on my 2:90 all the time. I want that option, if i didn't i- i would get an old 295 simulclass.....
JLagoon said:

The most reviews on HC on VHT2502 indicate that it has more clarity than the 2:90 in general. How true do you find this to be? I have never tried a 2:90 with my TriAxis before, and I'm using EL34L and KT77 in my 2502.

The 2:100 has tube rectifier, right?


No, there is not a tube rectifer in the 2:100. It is voiced to sound like the output section of the DR amp but I am assuming this is with the diode selected. I was expecting it to have rectifier tubes but it would need about 4 which would require a 3 or 4 space rack piece instead of 2. It still packs 200 watts of power (way too much IMO the 20/20 is the ticket for me!) which can implode small childrens head and kill any bugs in the surrounding area.

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