Mercury Magnetics is it worth it ?

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May 7, 2009
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Hi, guys... Ive been loving my new single rectifier..

Just finished the effects loop mod to series and im ready for the next mod :p

I have been reading that buying a mercury magnetics transformer will seriously increase tone and gain. Apparently they are the best you can buy.

If I buy one, does it matter that it will be put in an Australian power converted Mesa amp.. ?

any suggestions or experience with this sort of amp upgrade would help...

It's hard to say. Most of the time when people say that they're an upgrade is when they're referencing the crap that Marshall puts in their amplifiers.
So your saying, that its an upgrade for other amp owners cause they use crap quality trannys, and mesa puts better quality trannys in so i dont need to change mine ?

Im looking for a mod that will give me more tightness for crunch and less fizz..

although I am happy with my current tone, I have seen and heard this amp with upgrades and I want that tone from my amp
ibanezfreak777 said:
Im looking for a mod that will give me more tightness for crunch and less fizz..

Turn down the bass, turn up the volume. If you're still getting fizz, back off the tone pot on your guitar so that you have more mids and less treble going into your amp.

although I am happy with my current tone, I have seen and heard this amp with upgrades and I want that tone from my amp

I've been using a Recto since 2003 and there isn't anything special in that clip.
ibanezfreak777 said:
I have seen and heard this amp with upgrades and I want that tone from my amp

That amp was Heavily modded, not just the transformer, so Probably if you wanted that sound you would have to send your amp to FJA to get all those different mods done to your amp.
ibanezfreak777 said:
So your saying, that its an upgrade for other amp owners cause they use crap quality trannys, and mesa puts better quality trannys in so i dont need to change mine ?

Im looking for a mod that will give me more tightness for crunch and less fizz..

although I am happy with my current tone, I have seen and heard this amp with upgrades and I want that tone from my amp

If memory serves, Fluff has an FJA modded Dual Recto and he posted a thread to review the mod. Look that up and see if it is right for you. If you have $$$s, you can totally get John "FJA" to mod your amp for you!

Now the other -more overlooked- option is to look into a new speaker enclosure and different speakers. That will affect clarity and tightness as well. Keep in mind that the head in that video is running through a Marshall 1960a 4 x 12 with G12T - 75 speakers instead of a Mesa Boogie 2 x 12 with v30 speakers. The speakers have a different tone which alters the sound you hear as well. My friend has a Mesa Recto 2 x 12 and it sounds really dark to my ears as well as super whumpy. It is very midrange focused and the highs sound buzzy, ESPECIALLY at low volumes. Great sounding cab when you crank it, though.
Other options: If you have $$$$$$$$$s, a lot of guys here like Mills Acoustics cabs. Looking at close to a grand for a 2 x 12 or over that for a 4 x 12. The awesome thing is that they are built like tanks, they have an internal ported baffle to control standing waves (woofiness and flub), you can get numerous custom options, and you can pick the exact speaker combination you want. Other guys here love Port City cabs but I don't know that they are suitable for TEH BRUTALZ. Perhaps someone with some experience can chime in!

For speakers you can look into other celestion models or other brands of speakers. Many guys here have been suitably impressed with Eminence options, for instance. They have speakers with a similar voice to celestions, but with the harsh elements mitigated. This makes for a more pleasant experience.

For me personally, I am an advocate of DIY cabinetry design. My Thiele that I built with my father in law is much tighter and less fizzy. It most likely lacks fizz because 1) My amp is an old 2 channel dual, 2) I am using a Celestion g12m / v30 combo. This combination is creamy and warm, but at the same time it isn't quite as 'tight' as what you might want for metal. The next cab I am going to build is going to have a Celestion v30 / c90 speaker combo. The c90 will mitigate the highs and it will retain massive tightness which should make for a more suitable cab for TEH BRUTALZ as well as lead playing. It will be close back with the option of removing part of the back panel for a 3/4 back design. I drew out plans last night and I plan to transcribe a good copy, scan them, and post theme here for suggestions / criticism / personal use.

Final piece of advice: as much as I hate pedals, a lot of people here run boost pedals with favourable results. Tightens things up and mitigates fizz.
Ok... thanks for the info.. its appreciated

Dont think I want to send my amp overseas, just to get it modded.. We have guys who mod amps in Australia also...

I guess im just over excited with the amp, and all the things I want to do to it. When really I just need to play it more, and experiment with it more...

Cheers guys...
Haha, ya. I'm glad it is SOO MUCH fun for you!! I love new gear too. Before getting into mods, you can do what everyone does around here and muck about with power and preamp tubes. That will change the sound of the amp alone. Oh, there is also all the cab stuff.

I understand though. It is super FUN to take something stock and customize it so it is more personal. ^___^ ENJOY!!
screamingdaisy said:
ibanezfreak777 said:
Im looking for a mod that will give me more tightness for crunch and less fizz..

Turn down the bass, turn up the volume. If you're still getting fizz, back off the tone pot on your guitar so that you have more mids and less treble going into your amp.

+1 with the tone knob. Seems to be the forgotten knob..... :shock: :lol:

I also turn the treble dial down to around 9.30~10oclock, up the mids around 2oclock, bass around 10ish. Channel output around 10.30~11oclock and master output 11oclock or higher. Presence around 8oclock or less.

Add an EQ in the loop and bring the treble freq's up to add some sparkle. Drop the 200~250Hz down to get rid of mud. Adjust other sliders to suit your ears/playing style. I've adjusted mine to allow for the amps tone dials where I have them set. Example, if I have the bass dial down to 9oclock, I'd adjust the EQ in the loop accordingly. Same with the mid dial. I think you get the picture. It's a good way to play with the amp to see what effect the tone dials have and what effect an EQ in the loop has.

Also, push the front with a TS type pedal and drop the amps gain down a little. I have my amp gain around 10oclock so it can clean up when rolling off the guitar volume. As for the pedal, depends on the pedal I use...I have so many.... but lets say a MI Audio Blues Pro, I find that a combination of output level and gain level seems to be a better combination rather than have the output at max, gain at zero and tone to taste. I find adding gain through the pedal and dropping the output level of the pedal smooths out the tone immensely. Example: Output level around 11oclock, gain around 12~1oclock, tone around 11 oclock. Sometimes I play with the output level and you can hear the difference between the front end getting pushed or backed off. There's a nice fine balance, or a window of opening so to speak, to get the type of drive you want.

Just so you know, I have been playing a lot in Raw mode lately and it's an unbelievable mode to play in. Many love the Vintage mode but there's a certain warmth and openess and spread of tone that I find in Raw that's appealing to me at the moment. It reminds me of the clean Pushed mode but with more grunt, albeit a little darker. Also, the amp gain at 10oclock in this mode cleans up nicely when rolling off the volume on the guitar, even with the Blues Pro in front.

Anyway, the amp has an amazing amount of capability. It just takes time to dig in and get the best out of it. Whichever way, have fun. That's the main thing..... :wink:
I love my FJA Recto. Well worth the $$$. Of course I live in the US. Australia is a little different story!!!
I have 3 2ch Recs (all european voltage=australian voltage).

1 RevG with Schumacher Trannies (EU model)
1 RevF with Schumacher Trannies (US model converted to 230 with aftermarket PT)
1 RevG Rack with Mercury Trannies (US model converted to 230, completely with MM trans)

I'd say if you got an older 2ch with the Schumacher trannies you won't NEED the MMs, the quality of sound is about the same...however the tone changes a bit.

The Rectos with the Schumachers sound a bit more open ad biting while the MM Recto sounds more smooth and deep.
The RevF sounds more open and 3d, tighter (but also thinner) than both the RevG.

the RevG with Schumacher sounds like a blend of the Schumacher RevF and the MM RevG.
The MM Recto just sounds thicker and juicies/smoother but not as bitey as the schumacher trannies.
They both sound good, it's a matter of taste really.
If you're got a newer Rec with the newer trannies it might very well be worth upgrading to MM, the sound gets tighter and chunkier.
The OT has more influence on the tone than the PT, if you have only $ for one Tranny change the OT first.

Here are some clips:
Changing the output transformer will not increase gain. The amp in that video didn't have a Mercury transformer. I don't use Mercury very often here. I use Heyboer and several other US made transformers. Mercury are very nice, but over priced and not always the tone people are looking for. A transformer upgrade is not a magic cure all and in some amps makes little to no difference in tone.
If you're looking for more gain find yourself a knowledgeable tech and tell him what you want. Anyone with electronics knowledge should be able to increase the gain.
YellowJacket said:
ibanezfreak777 said:
So your saying, that its an upgrade for other amp owners cause they use crap quality trannys, and mesa puts better quality trannys in so i dont need to change mine ?

Im looking for a mod that will give me more tightness for crunch and less fizz..

although I am happy with my current tone, I have seen and heard this amp with upgrades and I want that tone from my amp

If memory serves, Fluff has an FJA modded Dual Recto and he posted a thread to review the mod. Look that up and see if it is right for you. If you have $$$s, you can totally get John "FJA" to mod your amp for you!

Now the other -more overlooked- option is to look into a new speaker enclosure and different speakers. That will affect clarity and tightness as well. Keep in mind that the head in that video is running through a Marshall 1960a 4 x 12 with G12T - 75 speakers instead of a Mesa Boogie 2 x 12 with v30 speakers. The speakers have a different tone which alters the sound you hear as well. My friend has a Mesa Recto 2 x 12 and it sounds really dark to my ears as well as super whumpy. It is very midrange focused and the highs sound buzzy, ESPECIALLY at low volumes. Great sounding cab when you crank it, though.
Other options: If you have $$$$$$$$$s, a lot of guys here like Mills Acoustics cabs. Looking at close to a grand for a 2 x 12 or over that for a 4 x 12. The awesome thing is that they are built like tanks, they have an internal ported baffle to control standing waves (woofiness and flub), you can get numerous custom options, and you can pick the exact speaker combination you want. Other guys here love Port City cabs but I don't know that they are suitable for TEH BRUTALZ. Perhaps someone with some experience can chime in!

For speakers you can look into other celestion models or other brands of speakers. Many guys here have been suitably impressed with Eminence options, for instance. They have speakers with a similar voice to celestions, but with the harsh elements mitigated. This makes for a more pleasant experience.

For me personally, I am an advocate of DIY cabinetry design. My Thiele that I built with my father in law is much tighter and less fizzy. It most likely lacks fizz because 1) My amp is an old 2 channel dual, 2) I am using a Celestion g12m / v30 combo. This combination is creamy and warm, but at the same time it isn't quite as 'tight' as what you might want for metal. The next cab I am going to build is going to have a Celestion v30 / c90 speaker combo. The c90 will mitigate the highs and it will retain massive tightness which should make for a more suitable cab for TEH BRUTALZ as well as lead playing. It will be close back with the option of removing part of the back panel for a 3/4 back design. I drew out plans last night and I plan to transcribe a good copy, scan them, and post theme here for suggestions / criticism / personal use.

Final piece of advice: as much as I hate pedals, a lot of people here run boost pedals with favourable results. Tightens things up and mitigates fizz.
Dude the port city cabs are brutal as heck...i used a mark V with a 2x12 with the last metal band i was in. It had just as much punch as an orange or recto cab but more clarity. I Dont want to even imagine the OS 4x12 port city has...i would probably die of musical causes
Agree...different cab, speakers, OD out front as clean boost and EL34's (if series 2)

At the end of the day it is still going to be a Rectifier. ie choked out mids. Mids are key to crunch.

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