maybe someone can help with a rectifier qestion?

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Well-known member
Apr 1, 2008
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Do I run a risk if I choose to run both rectifier tubes while at 50 watts?
I really prefer the tightness of the tone and quietness at 'idle' with both rectifiers plugged in. I have the rectifier voltage set to 'spongy' if that matters. Thank you in advance for any help that might come my way :D
So then the remove 2 remove 1 rule is optional, right? I just want to make sure before I plug the other rectifier back in. (':shock:')
dual recto's will do this with 6L6's AND EL34's??
that's a nice little wrinkle I never thought about before ..
If you want to remove power tubes you don't need to remove the rectifier tube. The added rectifier tubes are there for added current handling. Leaving the rectifier tube in will prevent the amp from sagging as much when using the tube rectifier setting.
When you remove 2 power tubes be sure to cut the main fuse value in half or you will be overfused and risk a fire.
JerryFJA said:
When you remove 2 power tubes be sure to cut the main fuse value in half or you will be overfused and risk a fire.

This is new information :!: The manual doesn't even state anything about it. It makes plenty of sense though.
hmm never thought about the fuse thing. You're referring to the actual little fuse right? I usually take out the tubes and cut the impedance to 4ohm.
JerryFJA: cutting the value of the fuse in half sounds like a good thing, thanks

Elpelotero: I'm thinking you're also switching your 8ohm cab to the 4ohm speaker out? Why is that? Is that necessary too?
Elpelotero said:
Half the tubes=half the power being sent to the output transformer=cut the impedance in half.

Wow. Not to mention the cabinet's tone opens up considerably. I'm getting a lot more dynamics, it's like the speakers are 'breathing' easier. They've become more efficient. They sound .. 'slicier' .. if there were such a thang' ... Thank you for the input here, ALL of you. I really mean it. -Mike