Maverick Problem

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Apr 16, 2014
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I just picked up a 2x12 maverick the kid brought it over everything worked except the reverb.I replaced the reverb tank and know with the lead channel on you can pull the reverb knob and the volume and reverb gets loud but you let it go and nothing bad pot?Then when I switch to rhythm channel with reverb on I get a high pitch whistling sound If I keep the reverb tuned all the way down no problem.Ive wanted a mesa for years and now I have it any ideas on a fix a do have a tech I can see but id like opinions thanks CW
the pulling on the pot and it works is probably down to its taken a hit on the pot and its pushed it back so doesn't make contact properly, so you can either replace the pot or you might be able to repair by pushing it back from the back of it. probably best to take it to a tech if you don't know what youre doing there are dangerous high voltages inside an amp.

the whistling I don't know. if it whistles on both channels i'd say did you re-connect the wires the correct way round, or possibly bad tube, but if its only doing on the rhythm channel I have no idea im afraid.

cool amp though, I have one, played it tonight, really like it.

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