Marshall Randy Rhoads 1959 RR availability/ question

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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2007
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Does anyone know when this is going to be available ? It was announced at Namm 2008 . Looks like a cool piece of gear. I've not owned a Marshall but I sure do like RR.

Also,, this amp has no fx loop. How do you use Delay in an amp with no loop ? Obviously you'd have to run it in front of the amp but Im thinking that will sound awful. I'm really not thinking of buying a 1959RR but I am curious about this anyway. Thanks-
stompboxfreak72 said:
Also,, this amp has no fx loop. How do you use Delay in an amp with no loop ? Obviously you'd have to run it in front of the amp but Im thinking that will sound awful. I'm really not thinking of buying a 1959RR but I am curious about this anyway. Thanks-

It might not sound as good, but it won't sound "awful".

You gotta remember that before, say, the mid-eighties, just about all amps got by without effect loops and all your effects were on the floor in front of you (and mine still are).
Delays sound fine in front of an amp.

they DO sound fine in front of an amp as long as you're planning on playing CLEAN. delay in front of a distorted amp sounds like ***.

regarding the RR Marshall- interesting thing i read at the eurotubes website. bob and his son visited the Marshall booth at NAMM, tried out the RR, and both agreed that the Vintage Modern model sounded better than the RR. when they went by the Marshall booth a few hours later, the Vintage Modern had been taken off display. hmmm..... too much competition for the more expensive model? i've heard the Vintage Modern and didn't like it at all. that doesn't say much for the RR.
Imho those non master volume amps are useless for modern purposes. I had a JTM 45 (30 watt) and even that thing was way too loud to get any useful power tube distortion out of it. I can't even imagine trying to use a 100 watter.
thinskin57 said:
Delays sound fine in front of an amp.

they DO sound fine in front of an amp as long as you're planning on playing CLEAN. delay in front of a distorted amp sounds like ***.

BS...delay and echo pedals predate effects loops being common in amps. Plenty of great overdriven tones have delays in front of the preamp.

Thankfully the opinion of one guy on the boogie board isnt gospel as far as delay positioning goes. You need to back off dictating like you are in that post, delay in front of a dirty amp can work fine....may not be optimal but it can work fine.
give me 10 people in a room. let me play for them with the delay IN the effects loop, and then play the exact same thing with the same settings in FRONT of the amp. they'd all ask why it suddenly sounds like ***! i'm not saying in front of the amp is entirely useless, but it DOES NOT sound better. that is unless you like mushy, non-defined notes. again, i'm talking about distorted sounds. if you play clean, or maybe even crunch, you're fine in front. so there.
'sounds better' is not something you can predict in a hypothetical room with hypothetical listeners. I have no doubt that it doesnt sound better to YOU, but you aren't everyone. Once again dont present opinion as fact when it is not. That is no better than putting words in peoples mouths and nobody appreciates that.

10 people in a room watching a guy play guitar will probably be thinking "let me out of here..this sucks"
For what it's worth... I've got a 1971 SLP Tremelo 100 watter. I love delay on solos, but to me (and anyone with half a sense of tone), delay sounded like *** in front. Your pushing all of the signals through a slightly distorted preamp and a cranked power section. if you're not too picky, it can work. What i did was remove the tremelo circuit and installed a parallel effects loop after the tone stack. The differences are amazing. You could just get a 1959 and have a SERIES loop installed. BTW, I think RR ran a clean power amp and used pedals for his distortion.
you're right rocky. beauty IS in the eye (ear?) of the beholder. however, i stand by my statement. i felt i was speaking for the general consensus based on the fact that any time i read a review of a delay or modulation type effect, people always seem to mention the fact that they use them in their effects loop simply because this is where it sounds, and it comes- the best. (excuse me- the best in THEIR opinion) hell, i already got an amen on this very thread from jngreene79
I like delays in an effects loop more myself.

But that isnt the only way to get a delay to work...just pointing out that opinion on a subject like this should never be presented as fact.