MarkIV vs Recto tone...

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Well-known member
Jun 2, 2007
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Charleston, S.C.
Wanted to see what you guys thought about my live MarkIV tone vs the recto live.

I've had the mark for a few months now and I'm still trying to find a good tone on it that I like cranked and at bedroom levels.

Thinking I need to get some kinda of boost or another seperate EQ to thinken the sound up. Ive tried so many settings on this amp and it still sounds thin to me.

Any suggestions on settings or effects would help out alot.

Ive tried most of the settings here on the board and alot more knob turning on my own.

I know my playing is lacking but I'm working on that daily! :lol:

Here's the MarkIV recorded with my drummer with 1 mic between both of us.

Here's the Triple Rec recorded the same way.
The Mark4 sounded evil as heck man! I don't know how you can't like it. It was very punchy to me as well. It sounded so much more defined than the recto.

How about you go a different route...since you have both heads in your posession, get a switchbox of sorts that will allow you to run both heads at once.
Both are decent tones. Problem is that the recording probably doesn't give us a good interpretation of what you're hearing out of your cab. With that being said, I thought the mark IV's tone was the better of the two. It stood out because it sat perfectly in the mix and it was nice and punchy. The Recto on the other hand had too much low end flub, not tight enough for your style IMO, but I did like the saturation, which the mark IV was missing. Now for some advice, get a fucking ABY box and use both amps at the same time.( For the recto; take out some bass and add some more mid ) and there you will have the best of both worlds and a truly E V I L tone.
Maybe the Mark IV is lacking bass and thus you said it sounds "thin"? But man, the Mark IV is so much tighter sounding than the recto. The rectifier clip you had sounds too blurry.
the Mark sounds way better your clips in my opinion but, again, it is difficult to tell from such recording.
screw what they have to say :D do what I said, ps: what he said about the bass player is true, i bet 50$ that once a bass player enters with the mark IV it'll sound uber heavy
The guitar seemed to have some delay on it and the whole recording had a halls effect of some kind it seems. This made both recordings sound a little muffled IMO. The Mark IV was easier to hear the notes being played, but the delay ruined the recto's chance at competing with the MIV! Both tones were good, and would have been better without the delay for the rhythm parts and cut the halls back or only apply it to the drums better yet. The cleans from the recto were better. Both distorted tones had too much bass IMO. Just sounded boomy in both. I prefer Recto tone myself, so I would have liked the Recto more if the delay was not in the mix.
Thx alot for the comments guys!

Was able to bring home my gear to record a quick riff with just the mark 4.

I just ran a micphrone straight from the cab into my soundcard.

There are no effects , pedals, or mixing just straight distortion.

Settings :

Lead channel | triode | class A | NO GEQ | harmonics |

Gain: 8 (pulled) | Treble: 8 | Bass: 2 | Mids: 6 | Drive 8 (pulled)|

Presence (pulled) | Lead Vol : 3 | Main Vol : 2 |

Let me know what you think about the tone.
Dig the tone on this most recent post...

so funny, times when just guitar - cable - amp is the way to go...

Couple of questions for you. What kind of cab / speaker? What kind of mic and how did you position the mic (off axis? on axis? on the grill? center cone?)... I like trying to replecate some of the cool tones on this board, and with no pedals in your clip, might be able to give yours a shot!


Thx alot for the replys!

Im using the standard stiletto 4x12 cab, I put the mic about 2 inches to the right of the center cone on the grill . The microphone is just a cheap 20 dollar purchase from Walmart.
I love the MkIV tone... all the recording seemed to be missing, is a bass player!
I think the clean sections sounded good on both. The distorted parts I think the Mark IV sound really nice. Now I have never played on a Mark IV (just a Mark I) but I know Rectifiers well and love them but I still think the Mark IV tone was great. Extremely tight sounding which makes me want a Mark IV very badly.
they both might as well be crates!!!!!! however the mark was way more punchy.

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