MarkIV A gain at max

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Aug 15, 2007
Reaction score
Zurich, Switzerland
So, I've seen many times people ask how far gain-wise a Mark IV can go. Now I had the chance to find out myself. Here is the result
Settings used are all 10 except bass 4 and mid 8 master lead 3 and of course output level 1.5.
EQ in, pretty scooped, short head with EVM speaker miced at the center with shure pg57. Slight post-EQ to add some tastefulness.
Fasten your seatbelts!
yah, with that much gain and that much scoop it sounds like a big metalzone.
I've owned an A and a B MIV and I actually have an A right now. I don't understand the whole hoopla about the 'differences'. They are too subtle to be heard IMO. You could max a B version out with all the same settings as your A and it would sound the same...
the fact it can sound like a line 6 ADDs to its versatility.
its a good thing for the guitarist ( like me ) who TRULLY enjoy playing different genres.

dont be elitest and complain about the tone , blah blah. bottom line is its good to have options. its a really high gain clip , thats why u clicked the thread. im glad the mesa can do this. i got all the pros of the mark 4 AND ADD ANOTHER OPTION to the amp? can i get a **** yes? anybody?
I don't agree it sounds like a Line 6. It's missing that modeling amp kazoo sound in the uber high frequencies.
Sounds good. Still thick and defined with no piercing highs. Perfect for high gain metal, which some people are into, myself included.

What guitar/pickups are you using and through what cab/speakers?
thats really one of the best mkIV tone's i have ever heard.. imagine putting a DS-1 in front of that!!


joke : I do Have taste!
Certainly no my tone, but sounds good, nevertheless IMHO.

sixstringmonk said:
I don't agree it sounds like a Line 6. It's missing that modeling amp kazoo sound in the uber high frequencies.


Too much gain for me also but dam that cabinet sound is nice that’s no line6 for sure!

Although it’s not my taste in gain settings it is still way more harmonically pleasing that any modeler I ever heard.
sixstringmonk said:
I don't agree it sounds like a Line 6. It's missing that modeling amp kazoo sound in the uber high frequencies.

hahah I completely agree with you on that. I think it sounds awesome myself.

yeah that was the point of the thread. btw i pushed it even farther then that.

pull the lead gain knob ( fat ) and put the presence on 10.
drop tuning to C

yes i play very heavy f***ing metal and hardcore as well as other genres and this amp can achieve anything. im so relieved...took soe major tweeking. thanks for giving me a basic outline of some heavy settings tho

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